Food monitoring; monitoring of tobacco products and related products, cosmetics and consumer goods
Official food monitoring not only checks food, but also consumer goods, cosmetics and tobacco products in order to ensure consumer protection.
Stand: 12.12.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
The term " consumer goods " within the meaning of Section 2 (6) of the German Food, Commodities and Feed Code (LFGB) includes, among other things
- Materials or articles intended to come into contact with food (e.g. food packaging, cooking utensils and tableware),
- packaging and containers intended to come into contact with cosmetic products (e.g. cream tubes)
- Objects intended to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth (e.g. toothbrushes, toothpicks, tobacco pipes, cigarette holders)
- Objects intended for personal hygiene (e.g. combs, brushes, washcloths, towels)
- household cleaning products (e.g. detergents, drain cleaners) and impregnating agents (e.g. moth repellents, finishes)
- Toys (e.g. dolls, coloring boxes, stuffed animals) and joke articles
- Articles intended to come into contact with the human body other than temporarily (e.g. clothing, jewelry).
- Means and articles for improving odors in rooms (e.g. room air sprays)
Cosmetic products are classified as "cosmetic products " in accordance with Art. 2 Para. 1 No. 1 of Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 on cosmetic products (EU Cosmetics Regulation) are substances or mixtures intended to come into external contact with parts of the human body (skin, hair system, nails, lips and external intimate regions) or with the teeth and mucous membranes of the oral cavity for the sole or predominant purpose of cleaning, perfuming, altering the appearance of, protecting or maintaining them in good condition or affecting body odor. These include toothpaste, soaps, creams, sunscreens, self-tanning lotions, lipsticks, nail polish, deodorants, perfumes, etc. Cosmetic products are to be distinguished from medicinal products, among other things. The purpose is decisive for this differentiation. Medicinal products are in particular substances that are intended to cure, alleviate or prevent diseases or pathological complaints.
According to Art. 2 of Directive 2014/40/EU, atobacco product is a product that can be consumed and that consists, even partially, of genetically modified or genetically unmodified tobacco.
Related products include electronic cigarettes, refill containers and herbal smoking products (Section 2 No. 2 of the Tobacco Products Act (Tabakerzeugnisgesetz - TabakerzG)).
Test results are published annually in the annual report of the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety and in the Bavarian Consumer Information System (see "Related links").
Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 on cosmetic products (EU Cosmetics Regulation)
Ordinance on Cosmetic Products (Cosmetics Ordinance - KosmetikV)
Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety - Annual reports
Department of Veterinary Services and Food Monitoring
Official veterinarians in the veterinary department:
Room 206, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1738
Room 211, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1720
Room 219, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1723
Room 219, tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1724
Room 219, tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 3469
Room 219, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 3213
Food monitoring:
Food control & feed monitoring - Erlangen South / East area: Room 217, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 2983
Food inspection - Erlangen West area: Room 217, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1716
Food inspection - Erlangen area: Room 217, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 2519
Food inspection - Erlangen South / West area: Room 215, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 3159
Food inspection - Erlangen East: Room 215, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 2846
Food inspection - Erlangen North / West: Room 215, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1511
by arrangement
Office for Veterinary and Consumer Health Protection
Head of office: Dr. Nikola-Simone Franz-Haas
We offer a wide range of services in the offices at "Nägelsbachstr. 40". Appointments can be made by telephone: + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1725.
- Food hygiene
- Food inspection
- Veterinary medicines
- animal welfare
- Animal disease control
- Consumer protection (food law)
Our departments have different contact & opening hours: