Motor sport event; application for a permit
Motor sport events - both on the road and in other areas - require a permit.
Stand: 07.03.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
A motor sport event that is not to take place exclusively on public traffic areas requires permission under safety law from the district offices, independent cities or large district towns.
Permission must be denied if it appears necessary to prevent danger to life, health or property or to protect against significant disadvantages or significant nuisance to the general public or neighborhood or against significant damage to nature or the landscape. The same applies if other public law regulations conflict with this.
In order to protect these legal interests, the district authorities, independent cities or large district towns can issue orders for individual cases.
For motor sport events that are to take place exclusively or partially on public traffic areas, only or additionally a traffic permit is required from the responsible road traffic authority.
An organizer in this sense is anyone who creates the conditions for the holding and implementation of the event through organization and management or in any other significant way. In addition to naming the organizer, the application must in any case contain information on the type, place and time of the event as well as the number of participants to be admitted.
However, it is advisable to submit the application for a permit at an early stage.
The complete application for a permit must be submitted to the competent authority in good time so that it has a reasonable period of time to review the eligibility for approval."
- Application for a permit
In addition to naming the organizer, the application must also contain information on the type, place and time of the event and the number of participants to be admitted.
Informal application (with signature)
Processing of events
On-site appointments are only possible by individual arrangement. Get in touch with us by phone, e-mail or contact form.
Availability by telephone:
Monday: 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday to Thursday: 08:00 - 15:30
Friday: 08:00 - 12:00