Road use; application for a permit for an event
If you wish to hold an event on a road, you must apply for a permit for excessive road use.
Stand: 11.02.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Public road space is used in a variety of ways. For events on public roads, the provisions of the Bavarian Roads and Roads Act (BayStrWG), the Federal Trunk Roads Act (FStrG) and the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO) must be observed. The StVO designates everything that is not part of the normal use of the road as "excessive road use" and makes this subject to a special permit. Appropriate permits are issued by the municipalities or the district offices, independent cities or large district towns, and by the governments in the case of supra-regional events.
In our society, there is often a desire to use public street space for events. In addition to recreational events, these uses also include the preservation of customs.
Depending on the classification of the roads on which an event is planned (i.e. whether it is a federal, state or district road or a municipal road), the district authority, the independent city, the large district town or the municipality can permit corresponding events where the roads are used in a way that is more than usual for traffic.
In the case of supra-regional events, i.e. if these also extend to the territory of other federal states or to neighboring countries or if more than three Bavarian administrative districts are affected, the governments are responsible (see "Related topics": "Road use; applying for a permit for a supra-regional event").
The events for which a permit is required are in particular
- Motor sport events with motorcycles
- Races with motor vehicles
- Special rally tests
- Classic car events
- bicycle races
- Triathlon events
- public cycling
- relay races
- public hikes
- Parades (e.g. pageants, carnival)
- Church events (e.g. processions)
As a rule, the competent licensing authority will determine the licensing requirements together with the organizer, the other authorities affected by the planned event and the police. The summary of the requirements and conditions for the event is issued to the organizer as a so-called permit notice (Section 29 (2) StVO).
Depending on the type and size of an event, other official permits may also be required, e.g. under trade law, hospitality law or the State Criminal Code and Ordinance Act. There, the organizer may be given further requirements for the event in the form of conditions, e.g. regarding the development of a safety concept, fire protection, rescue and escape route concept, youth protection or the provision of a security service.
Even if events do not take place exclusively on a road, but nevertheless have an impact on road traffic, such as street festivals or markets established in accordance with the trade regulations, this may require road traffic law measures. Possible measures include, for example, the ordering of stopping restrictions to create the event area or the ordering of detour around the event area.
For events on or affecting public roads, contact your local authority or district administrative authority as early as possible. They will be able to help you with the question of whether or which permit is required in a specific case.
If the event is to be classified as a "sport/game" (possibly rides with inline skates), this is prohibited on the roadway in accordance with § 31 StVO. As part of the approval of the overall event, an exemption from the ban on using the roadway may also be granted.
- Participant lists (if available)
- Route maps
- Schedules
- Organizer's declaration (according to the standard federal form)
- Confirmation of liability insurance cover for an event (according to a standardized federal form)
Depending on the size of the event, 10.20 up to 2301.00 euros.
Depending on the scope of the event and the requirements, the organizer may also incur costs for traffic law measures, e.g. for traffic signage, including signposting of detour routes. It is not possible to make a general statement about the amount in advance.
Road traffic and roadworks department
The city of Erlangen is not responsible for matters relating to parking tickets.
Please contact the Zweckverband Kommunale Verkehrsüberwachung für den Großraum Nürnberg.
Outside of regular opening hours, individual appointments can also be arranged on site. Get in touch with us by phone, e-mail or contact form.