Road traffic; application for a special permit
Under certain conditions, the road traffic authorities can exempt road users from the general traffic regulations of the Road Traffic Regulations and the special traffic regulations of the signs and markings by granting a special permit.
Stand: 11.02.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Applying for a permit or order
You can use this online application to apply for a permit or order.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Apply for paid parking concessions for doctors
You can use this online application to apply for a parking concession for doctors.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Apply for parking concessions for market vendors
You can use this online application to apply for parking concessions for market vendors.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Apply for exemption from the obligation to wear a seatbelt
You can use this online application to apply for exemption from the obligation to wear a seatbelt.
User-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Apply for exemption from the obligation to wear a safety helmet
You can use this online application to apply for an exemption from the obligation to wear a safety helmet.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Applying for a special permit during the Bergkirchweih
Upon request, the road traffic authorities may grant exemptions from the general traffic regulations of the Road Traffic Regulations and from the prohibitions or restrictions imposed by signs or markings.
The road traffic authorities may only grant a special permit in particularly urgent exceptional situations in individual cases or generally for certain applicants (e.g. severely disabled persons with exceptional walking disabilities and blind persons, residents, craftsmen or persons working in social services) and only for a limited period of time.
They are required to meet strict requirements in terms of proving the special exceptional situation and urgency. The safety of traffic must not be impaired by the special permit. If necessary, the road traffic authority must ensure this by imposing additional requirements and conditions. If necessary, such requirements and conditions must also be imposed to prevent any loss of traffic flow.
The road traffic authority should carry out a consultation procedure for this purpose. The authorities concerned will be heard. As a citizen, however, you have no legal right to be granted such a special permit. However, you can demand that the road traffic authority exercises its discretion in accordance with its duties. The exceptional situation you claim must be weighed up by the road traffic authority against the public interests and the interests of third parties.
Information can be obtained from the road traffic authorities at the district offices, independent towns and municipalities.
- Suggestion with presentation of the special urgent exceptional situation and its qualified interests
Evidence depends on the individual case.
The fee for the decision on an exemption is €10.20 to €767.00 per exemption and per vehicle/person. A reduced total fee may be charged for several vehicles/persons or similar cases. Different fee regulations apply to exemptions for oversized and heavy goods vehicles.
In addition, there may be costs for expenses incurred by the authorities.
§ 46 Road Traffic Regulations (StVO)
Road traffic and roadworks department
The city of Erlangen is not responsible for matters relating to parking tickets.
Please contact the Zweckverband Kommunale Verkehrsüberwachung für den Großraum Nürnberg.
Outside of regular opening hours, individual appointments can also be arranged on site. Get in touch with us by phone, e-mail or contact form.