Large and heavy transports; application for a permit or exemption
A permit is required for the movement of vehicles whose dimensions, axle loads or total weights exceed the limits generally permitted by law or whose design does not provide the driver with a sufficient field of vision.
Stand: 11.02.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Procedure management for oversized and heavy transports (VEMAGS®) - online processing of the application and approval procedure for oversized and heavy transports
VEMAGS® is an acronym for "VErfahrensMAnagement für Großraum- und Schwertransporte". For vehicles that are wider, longer, higher or heavier than specified in the road traffic regulations, the special permit to participate in road traffic can be applied for online.
Section 29 (3) of the German Road Traffic Regulations (StVO) stipulates that vehicles and trains whose dimensions, axle loads or total masses actually exceed the limits generally permitted by law require a permit. This also applies to traffic with vehicles whose design does not allow the driver a sufficient field of vision. If, on the other hand, it is the load that causes the limits to be exceeded, an exemption permit is required in accordance with Section 46 (1) No. 5 StVO.
A permit for large and heavy transports (special transports) can only be issued if the vehicle or vehicle combination in question has a vehicle-related special permit in accordance with Section 70 (1) No. 1 or 2 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO).
Permits are issued on application and depending on the circumstances of the individual case, for a maximum duration of three years, as individual permits, short-term permits or permanent permits. Permanent permits can be issued on a route-by-route or area-wide basis. They must always be issued subject to revocation.
The basis for the official decision is usually the implementation of a hearing procedure in which, in particular, the road authorities along the planned transport route are heard. This serves to assess the risks posed by, for example, a particularly wide transport or a particularly heavy transport for other road users or the road infrastructure (in particular bridges) and, if necessary, to counter these by imposing official requirements and conditions.
If the safety or order of traffic or the protection of the road infrastructure requires it, the permits are subject to conditions and requirements. For example, time restrictions may be imposed (e.g. transportation during the night when there is little traffic) or the applicant may be required to provide security for the transport by providing private escort vehicles (e.g. of the BF-4 type).
Police escorts for special transports are only to be provided by the licensing authorities in cases where securing the transport with private escorts is not considered sufficient.
In particular, permission may only be granted if
- the transport is not possible - at least for most of the route - by rail or water or if transport by rail or water would incur unreasonable additional costs and if roads are available for the entire route whose structural condition is not impaired by the transport and for the protection of which no special measures are required, or if at least the subsequent restoration of the roads or the implementation of those measures would not be too time-consuming or too extensive, particularly for traffic reasons.
- for the transportation of an indivisible load; a load is indivisible if its dismantling is impossible for technical reasons or would cause unreasonable costs; the accessories of a crane and the weights of a calibration vehicle are also considered indivisible;
- for the transportation of a load consisting of more than one part, if the parts cannot be transported as individual pieces for reasons of strength and these are indivisible;
- accessories for indivisible loads; they must not exceed 10% of the total mass of the load and must be listed in the accompanying document with an exact description;
- for the transportation of several individual indivisible parts which, due to their length, width or height, require the use of a vehicle with a special permit in accordance with § 70 StVZO and are indivisible, but in compliance with the total mass and axle loads permitted under § 34 StVZO;
If the applicant or the person carrying out the transport has intentionally or through gross negligence previously carried out transport requiring a permit without the required permit or has violated the conditions and requirements of a permit, he or she shall no longer be granted a permit for a reasonable period of time.
If the consignor and consignee have rail connections, a permit may only be issued if it can be proven that rail transportation is not possible or unreasonable. Proof may only be waived in urgent cases.
A permit in accordance with Section 29 (3) StVO is not required if vehicles and vehicle combinations only exceed the dimensions specified in the StVO due to their load. In these cases, an exemption permit in accordance with Section 46 (1) No. 5 StVO must be applied for. The same authority is responsible for issuing this permit as would be responsible for issuing a permit in accordance with Section 29 (3) StVO.
The licensing authorities responsible for issuing the permit are the lower road traffic authorities. In Bavaria, these are the district administration offices and independent cities. The large district towns also perform this task. The competent authority is the licensing authority in whose district the traffic requiring a permit begins, or the licensing authority in whose district the applicant has his place of residence, registered office or a branch office.
Permits for special transports can only be issued upon application. The application must specify the intended route and, in particular, the following actual technical data:
- Length, width, height,
- actual total mass, actual axle loads,
- number of axles, axle spacing, number of wheels per axle,
- Type and designation of the load and information on the indivisibility of the load, dimensions and weight of the load,
- maximum design speed of the transport,
- registration plates and vehicle identification numbers of towing vehicles and trailers as well as individual vehicles.
Applications can either be submitted in writing to the licensing authorities (application form) or online via the browser-based Internet platform provided by the eGovernment project VEMAGS® "Procedure management for large and heavy goods transport" (see "Online procedure").
The competent authority carries out a hearing procedure on the basis of the application. As part of this procedure, it involves all authorities affected by the transport route within the federal territory and combines their comments on the application (e.g. rejection, approval subject to conditions) in a permit notice.
Due to the necessary involvement of various authorities, the permit should be applied for as early as possible. It may take several weeks to process the applications.
- The application must state the intended route and at least the following actual technical data:
- Length, width, height,
- actual total mass, actual axle loads,
- Number of axles, axle spacing, number of wheels per axle,
- Type and designation of the load and information on the indivisibility of the load, dimensions and weight of the load,
- maximum design speed of the transport,
- registration plates and vehicle identification numbers of towing vehicles and trailers as well as individual vehicles.
The information on the axle pattern is not required if the total mass, axle loads and axle spacing according to § 34 StVZO are not exceeded.
- Attachments and annexes are only to be included if they are necessary for the examination of the application.
- Special approval according to § 70 StVZO
Fees are charged for decisions within the framework of the Road Traffic Regulations in accordance with the Fee Schedule for Road Traffic Measures (GebOSt). The GebOSt provides for a basic fee of EUR 40.00 and a maximum fee of EUR 1,300.00 for a decision on a permit or exemption for oversized or heavy goods transports in accordance with Section 29 (3) or Section 46 (1) sentence 1 no. 5 StVO.
The fee is calculated on a nationwide basis in accordance with the appendix to fee number 263.1.1 of the GebOSt (decision on a permit or exemption for oversized and heavy goods transport in accordance with Section 29 (3) or Section 46 (1) sentence 1 number 5 StVO).
§ Section 29 (3) of the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO)
§ Section 46 (1) sentence 1 no. 5 of the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO)
§ Section 47 (1) sentence 3 of the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO)
General Administrative Regulation on the Road Traffic Regulations (VwV-StVO), on Section 29 (3) of the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO)
§§ Sections 32 and 34 of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO)
§ Section 35b (2) of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO)
§ Section 32d of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO)
Guidelines for the transportation of oversized and heavy loads
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