Wichtiger Hinweis
Social affairs; information
You can obtain information on social matters from the municipality and the district office, among others.
Stand: 22.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Free information is provided by the providers of statutory health insurance and social long-term care insurance and, in Bavaria, as a matter within their own sphere of influence, also by the district offices and independent cities. The information extends to naming the responsible benefit providers as well as to all factual and legal questions that may be of importance to those seeking information and which the information center is able to answer.
The insurance offices of the districts and independent cities provide information on all social insurance matters.
In matters of statutory pension insurance, the pension insurance institutions, their information and advice centers, their insurance advisors, the insurance offices of the districts and independent cities and the municipal administrations provide information and individual advice free of charge.
The social welfare and war victims' welfare agencies (social welfare administrations and war victims' welfare offices at the district administrations and independent cities, districts, Bavarian Family and Social Welfare Center) provide advice and information on social welfare and war victims' welfare issues. They also provide advice on other social matters, provided that this is not provided by other agencies (primarily non-statutory welfare organizations).
The youth welfare offices in the independent towns and districts are available to answer questions on child and youth welfare. For information and advice on pregnancy problems, see "Related topics". For further information on support services for families, see also "Related topics".
In all other social matters, information can also be obtained from the offices responsible for granting benefits. Citizens on low incomes can obtain free or almost free legal advice on everyday legal matters from a lawyer or from the competent local court.
The Zentrum Bayern Familie und Soziales is also available to answer questions about the following benefits:
- Parental allowance
- Bavarian family allowance
- Family recreation in family holiday centers
For information and advice on AIDS, see "Related topics".
Contact the responsible office.
- The required documents depend on the individual case.
Dept. of Social Assistance
On-site appointments are only possible by individual arrangement. Please contact us by phone, e-mail or contact form.