Fishing levy; payment
The fishing license is only valid if proof of payment of the fishing tax has been provided for the period in question.
Stand: 12.03.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
Anyone who wants to fish in Bavaria and requires a Bavarian fishing license must pay the fishing tax; it can be paid either for a period of five years or once for the entire period of validity. The fishing tax is a prerequisite for the validity of the fishing license.
The fishing levy is used exclusively to promote fishing. The funds are mainly allocated by the Landesfischereiverband Bayern e.V. within the framework of statutory regulations.
The fishing tax must be paid to the responsible municipality before the fishing license is issued. If you have a fishing license for life and have only paid the fishing tax for five years, the fishing tax is due again after these five years.
If you pay for five years, the fishing levy is EUR 40.00.
If you pay once, you will have to pay a maximum of € 300.00 (if you apply at the age of 14). The older you are when you submit your application, the greater the reduction in the fee for one-off payments. For example, if you are 45 years old when you submit your application, the fishing tax for a lifetime fishing license is € 160.00 for a one-off payment.
For the youth fishing license, the fishing tax is €10.00, up to a maximum of €2.50 per year or part thereof of the statutory period of validity.
The fishing tax for the annual fishing license for tourists is € 15.00.
Under certain conditions, which you can find out from the municipality, the fishing tax is reduced to 50% of the regular amount.
Processing of hunting and fishing law
On-site appointments are only possible by individual arrangement. Get in touch with us by phone, e-mail or contact form.
Availability by telephone:
Monday: 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday to Thursday: 08:00 - 15:30
Friday: 08:00 - 12:00