Municipal day care center; payment of user fees / parental contributions
User fees or parental contributions may be charged for the use of childcare facilities.
Stand: 13.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Apply for the assumption of costs for child daycare
You can use this online application to apply for the costs of childcare to be covered.
User-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Issue SEPA direct debit mandate online
You can use this online application to issue a SEPA direct debit mandate online.
User-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your Internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
Municipalities can charge user fees for the use of their public facilities. Non-profit or other providers of daycare facilities can set parental contributions.
The amount of the user fees in municipal daycare facilities (parental contributions) varies in Bavaria. The fees can, for example, be staggered according to social aspects. Some local authorities grant discounts for siblings or scale the parental fees according to income. The amount can also depend on the age of the child; it is based on the booking time.
To ease the burden on families, the Free State of Bavaria provides a subsidy towards the parental contribution for children in state-funded daycare facilities (in accordance with the Bavarian Child Education and Care Act [BayKiBiG]). The subsidy is granted for the period from September 1 of the calendar year in which the child reaches the age of three until the child starts school. The subsidy amounts to €100 per month. Payment is made to the municipalities as part of the child-related funding, which pass on the parental contribution subsidy to the providers. The municipalities and providers are obliged to reduce their contributions by the amount of the parental contribution subsidy.
Note: Families with a low income can apply for a fee reduction or exemption at the responsible youth welfare office.
For families in need (SGB II, SGB XII, child supplement and housing benefit recipients), the additional expenses for lunchtime meals at schools and daycare facilities are covered as part of the education and participation benefits.
You will receive more detailed information about the kindergarten fees in your municipality - if available - after "localization" (enter your place of residence and/or zip code).
§ 90 Social Code VIII
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Fee statutes for the municipal daycare facilities
Infrastructure management and independent sponsors
Here you will find a contact person for the independent providers of the City of Erlangen, support for investment costs and building maintenance subsidies, application for rental cost subsidies, the technical supervision for independent providers and information on applying for an operating license for independent providers.
On-site appointments are only possible by individual arrangement. Please contact us by phone, e-mail or contact form.
Telephone availability:
Monday to Thursday: 09:30 - 15:00
Friday: 09:30 - 12:00