Aquaculture operations; application for a permit or registration
If you breed, keep or rear fish, you are obliged to have your business registered or approved by your competent veterinary office without being asked.
Stand: 09.03.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Apply for aquaculture operation
You can use this online application to apply for approval of an aquaculture business.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
"Aquaculture" is the rearing of aquatic animals for human consumption, whereby the animals remain the property of a natural or legal person throughout the entire rearing or husbandry process, including harvesting, with the exception of the harvesting or capture of wild aquatic animals, which are then kept temporarily without feeding until slaughter.
The following aquaculture businesses, among others, require approval from the competent veterinary office:
- Aquaculture businesses from which kept aquatic animals are to be moved, either alive or as a product of animal origin
- Other aquaculture businesses that pose a significant risk
- Quarantine establishments
- Vector farms
- Aquaculture for ornamental purposes in open systems
The application for approval must contain the following information
- Name and address of the operator
- Location and description of the establishment
- Species, category(ies) and quantity of animals kept on the farm
- Type of aquaculture business
- Other relevant aspects, such as
- Water supply
- Inflow volume
- Description of the measures taken to prevent the spread of diseases
- If applicable, information on the treatment of waste water
All other aquaculture businesses are generally required to register.
You must apply to the responsible Office for Food, Agriculture and Forestry (AELF) for the issue of a company number with the company type "fish farmer". Fish farmers who already have a 12-digit number, for example because they are also the operator of a farm or other livestock owner, must also register with the AELF and have the "fish farmer" farm type assigned to them. The application for approval or registration can only be submitted once this farm number has been assigned.
The approval or registration of an aquaculture business must take place before the respective activity begins.
Regional Supplement (Editorially responsible: City of Erlangen)
Department of Veterinary Services and Food Monitoring
Official veterinarians in the veterinary department:
Room 206, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1738
Room 211, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1720
Room 219, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1723
Room 219, tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1724
Room 219, tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 3469
Room 219, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 3213
Food monitoring:
Food control & feed monitoring - Erlangen South / East area: Room 217, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 2983
Food inspection - Erlangen West area: Room 217, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1716
Food inspection - Erlangen area: Room 217, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 2519
Food inspection - Erlangen South / West area: Room 215, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 3159
Food inspection - Erlangen East: Room 215, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 2846
Food inspection - Erlangen North / West: Room 215, Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1511
by arrangement
Office for Veterinary and Consumer Health Protection
Head of office: Dr. Nikola-Simone Franz-Haas
We offer a wide range of services in the offices at "Nägelsbachstr. 40". Appointments can be made by telephone: + (49) 09131 / 86 - 1725.
- Food hygiene
- Food inspection
- Veterinary medicines
- animal welfare
- Animal disease control
- Consumer protection (food law)
Our departments have different contact & opening hours: