Specially protected vertebrates; notification of population, population changes or relocation
If you keep a specially protected vertebrate animal, you must report the animal's population and any changes to the population after you start keeping it. You must also report any changes to the animal's regular location.
Stand: 29.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Show stock for specially protected vertebrates
With this online form, you can easily report the population of specially protected vertebrates online.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
If you are in possession of a "specially protected" vertebrate animal and wish to keep it, it must be reported immediately to the lower nature conservation authority. The disposal of the animal must also be reported in the event of sale/death or loss. The obligation to notify applies to both the purchaser and the seller.
Species under special protection include, for example, monkeys, parrots, tortoises and giant snakes, as well as various lizard species such as day geckos and chameleons. All European bird species are also included.
You can find out whether a species is specially protected by using the WISIA database of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (see "Further links").
The notification obligation applies to vertebrates of particularly protected species that are not listed in Annex V of the Federal Species Protection Ordinance.
Keepers must
- have the necessary reliability and sufficient knowledge about the keeping and care of the animals and
- have the necessary facilities to ensure that the animals cannot escape and that the animals are kept in accordance with animal welfare regulations.
For each individual specimen kept, the keeper must provide the competent authority with the following information immediately after taking up keeping:
- Date of change in stock (addition through acquisition or breeding, disposal through sale, death or escape),
- number,
- species,
- age,
- sex,
- origin,
- First and last name and address of the previous owner or new keeper in case of transfer,
- place of keeping,
- intended use and
- identification (e.g. ring or transponder number).
The documents proving the legal ownership of the specimens (EU marketing certificate or proof of origin) must be submitted with the notification of the commencement of keeping.
Any change in the regular whereabouts of the animals subject to registration must be reported immediately.
It is strongly recommended to document the takeover or surrender of a specimen, stating the animal's registration number and the first and last names or addresses (including telephone number if possible) of the previous and subsequent owners with the signatures of both partners in order to avoid any subsequent disputes. This document must be submitted to the competent authority as proof of legality when registering or deregistering an animal.
- immediately 2 weeks after acquisition, transfer, death or escape
- 4 weeks for own offspring
- Documents proving legal ownership of the specimens (e.g. EU marketing certificate, proof of origin, other documents)