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Traffic & Mobility

Urban-friendly and climate-friendly

Getting from A to B safely, quickly and in an environmentally friendly way: with new pedestrian and cycle path connections, an attractive public transport network and the modern urban-urban railroad, places of work and living can be easily reached. Less through traffic in the city center also ensures a better quality of life.

Traffic and mobility

Shape Erlangen

A73 freeway lid

Together with the Free State of Bavaria and the federal highway company Autobahn GmbH, the city of Erlangen is looking for solutions to improve noise protection in the city area along the A 73 federal highway.
Shape Erlangen

Expansion of mobility services

The city of Erlangen is expanding its mobility options by promoting electromobility and sharing services and linking different forms of mobility.
Shape Erlangen

From the large parking lot to the Regnitzstadt

With "Regnitzstadt", Erlangen is to have a new district on the former large parking lot. At the same time, the district is to become a striking entrance to the city and be strengthened as a mobility hub.
Shape Erlangen

New Kriegenbrunn lock construction

The damage to the Kriegenbrunn lock cannot be completely repaired. The Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV) is therefore planning and building a new lock at the same location using state-of-the-art engineering technology.
Shape Erlangen

Parking space concept for Erlangen city center

A parking concept is being developed for Erlangen's city center together with affected stakeholders. The concept will then be tested as part of a pilot project. The aim is to reduce sidewalk parking, set up loading zones and develop new parking regulations.
Shape Erlangen

Promotion of public transport

Erlangen's city center is heavily burdened by traffic (parked vehicles, commuter traffic, etc.) In order to relieve the city of motor vehicle traffic and increase the quality of stay, local public transport will be further strengthened by suitable measures.
Shape Erlangen, Streetcar, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, Bus, Railroad, StUB, Environment, SBahn, Station, Traffic, Mobility, electro, Construction sites, Public transportation, Public transport

Urban-rural railroad

In future, the Stadt-Umland-Bahn (StUB) will connect the cities of Nuremberg, Erlangen and Herzogenaurach as a tramway and help secure the future of the region as an efficient, environmentally friendly, low-barrier and attractive alternative to car traffic. The StUB also offers sustainable mobility, particularly for the large number of commuters along the city axis.

Contact us

Office for Citizen Participation and Volunteering


Hauptstraße 48
91054 Erlangen


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Montag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Dienstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag: 09:30 - 12:00 Uhr

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