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Moving towards climate neutrality

Stand: 28.05.2024

The Climate Action Roadmap has been drawn up and 41 climate protection measures have been developed - what happens now? Here you will find the latest developments on Climate Awakening.

News on the implementation of measures


Biocity Erlangen

Erlangen is a member of the Organic Cities Network

heat planning, municipal heat planning, heat, heat turnaround, district heating, gas heating, gas, heating

Information on municipal heat planning in Erlangen

Progressive climate change, dependence on energy imports and rising energy costs require a fundamental change in the way we use energy. The city of Erlangen has set itself the goal of achieving climate neutrality in the urban area as quickly as possible. In the climate crisis, this is a necessary step for local, regional and global sustainable development.


Participate in climate protection

What offers are there in Erlangen for climate protection and sustainability? What is already being done? And where can you get involved? Here you will find tips for your climate protection commitment.


Implementation status of the Climate Awakening measures (May 2023)

The following overview shows the implementation status of the measures (as at May 2023)

Climate protection, Climate, Climate awakening, Climate neutrality, Catalog of measures

The 14 lighthouse measures of Climate Awakening

The Climate Action Roadmap has been drawn up and 41 climate protection measures have been developed - what happens now? The city administration is moving forward and will begin implementing 14+ measures in 2023. At the same time, the other measures are being specified in order to be able to implement them in the coming years.

Heating, Heating replacement, JIT, Building Energy Act, Energy consulting, Promotion, Heat

Important information about replacing the heating system

Here you will find all the important information about the Building Energy Act (GEG) and heating replacement.

Climate Protection and Sustainability Department


Schuhstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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