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Implementation status of the Climate Awakening measures (May 2023)

Stand: 28.05.2024

The following overview shows the implementation status of the measures (as at May 2023)

Here you will find an overview of the implementation status of the measures (as at May 2023). All measures marked with this symbol 🚨 are lighthouse measures that are particularly efficient and should be launched as early as 2023. Below you will find a detailed description of the implementation status for each measure. Further information can be found in the first status report on Climate Awakening. For further information or support, please contact us at klima@stadt.erlangen.de

Cross-sector measures

Climate-neutral administration before 2030 (S1a) 🚨in implementationExpansion and adaptation of funding programs (S7)in implementation
Climate-neutral Erlangen alliance (S1b) 🚨in implementationSufficiency campaign (S8)Not yet started
Integrated neighborhood concepts (S2) 🚨not yet startedClimate fund and climate impact costs (S9)in implementation
Climate budget (S3) 🚨in implementationConsolidation and expansion of public relations work (S10) 🚨in implementation
Expansion of advisory services (S4)Not yet startedContinuation of the educational campaigns (S11)in implementation
Crafts campaign (S5)Not yet launchedClimate Awakening action platform (S12)not yet launched
Climate protection offensive in companies (S6)in implementationInfluence on state and federal policy (S13) 🚨in implementation


Master plan for heating 2030 (E1) 🚨in implementationOne Stop Shop: Fit for the future (E5)in implementation
Expansion and decarbonization of heating networks (E2) 🚨in implementationIndependent together (service package for neighbors) (E6)Not yet started
Boiler replacement moratorium (E3) 🚨in preparationGrid reinforcement, sector coupling and storage (E7)in preparation
Expansion of photovoltaic systems (E4)in implementationExpansion of wind power in the region (E8)in preparation


Climate-neutral municipal buildings (G1a) 🚨in preparationRenovation waves in the districts (G3)Not yet started
Climate-neutral buildings in Erlangen (G1b) 🚨in implementationResource-conserving construction and renovation (G4)in preparation
Serial refurbishment of residential buildings (G2) 🚨being implementedClimate protection and monument conservation (G5)in preparation


People-friendly neighborhoods (M1) 🚨in implementationSupply-oriented expansion of charging infrastructure (M5)in implementation
Climate-friendly parking space management (M2)in implementationElectric bus fleet (M6)in implementation
Attractive public transport (M3) 🚨in implementationThird-party user financing of the
in implementation
Sharing systems (M4)in implementation

Nutrition and consumption

Continuation and expansion of the
sharing infrastructure (EK1)
Not yet startedEstablishment of a
Food Council (EK4)
not yet started
Climate and environmentally friendly
catering (EK2)
not yet startedCircular economy (EK5)

not yet started
Network for regional and
organic food
not yet startedRepairing instead of throwing away
not yet started

Here you will find a detailed description of the individual measures. Simply click on the individual elements. All measures marked with this symbol 🚨 are lighthouse measures that are particularly efficient and should be launched as early as 2023.

The first status report on the Climate Action Roadmap

Climate Protection and Sustainability Department


Schuhstraße 40
91052 Erlangen


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