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Right of first refusal 4

Stand: 28.05.2024

Statute No. 4 of the City of Erlangen on a special right of first refusal in accordance with the German Building Code (BauGB) dated July 3, 2002 and Annex to Statute No. 4 of the City of Erlangen on the right of first refusal dated June 27, 2002

§ 1 Purpose of the Articles of Association
§ 2 Scope of application
§ 3 Entry into force

Annex to the pre-emption right statute no. 4 of the City of Erlangen dated 03.07.2002 (plan)

If you have any questions, please contact the Real Estate Office.

pdf, 130 KB

Right of first refusal 4

Satzung Nr. 4 der Stadt Erlangen über ein besonderes Vorkaufsrecht nach dem Baugesetzbuch (BauGB) vom 27.06.2002
pdf, 99 KB

Right of first refusal 4 - Plan

Anlage zur Vorkaufsrechtssatzung Nr. 4 der Stadt Erlangen vom 03.07.2002

Legal office

Head of office: Ms. Juliane Kreller

Important information from the legal department

Personnel form for legal trainees and law students


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


Appointments on site are only possible by telephone appointment.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 08:30 - 15:30

Friday: 08:30 - 12:00