Foster family; receipt of care allowance and benefits
If the child lives in a foster family, the youth welfare office must ensure that the child receives the necessary maintenance. This is done by paying a care allowance.
Stand: 29.11.2024. Link zum BayernPortal
Foster families take a child whose family of origin has inadequate upbringing conditions into their family for a certain period of time or duration and care for and bring them up.
Full-time foster care is a form of educational assistance that is initiated by the youth welfare office responsible for the case if it has been identified as appropriate as part of the assistance plan procedure.
When the youth welfare office places a child with a foster family, it undertakes to ensure the child's necessary upkeep by paying a care allowance.
The foster care allowance is determined by the respective youth welfare office. The foster care allowance is graded according to the age of the foster child and is made up of the amount for the child's living expenses and the costs of raising the child. The foster care allowance is intended for expenses that are to be paid directly for the foster child, i.e. for food, clothing, rent, electricity, heating, school materials, pocket money, toys, contributions to sports clubs, etc. The costs of upbringing are a contribution in recognition of the special upbringing services provided by the foster carer.
The "Recommendations of the Bavarian Association of Counties and the Bavarian Association of Cities for full-time care in accordance with SGB VIII" (recommendation as of January 1, 2023) provide guidance on the amount of the care allowance:
- EUR 974 for age group 0 to the age of 6,
- EUR 1104 for the age group 7 to the age of 12,
- EUR 1276 from the age of 13.
If the caregiver is a direct relative of the child (grandparents, great-grandparents) and is able to support the child, the care allowance can be reduced appropriately in terms of material expenses. The minors and their parents will contribute to the costs according to their means in accordance with the regulations on cost contributions.
If necessary in individual cases, in addition to the monthly care allowance, an additional requirement for special care and/or a contribution for certain purchases can be made - for example for the initial equipment of the foster family, important personal occasions (e.g. baptism, first communion, confirmation) or vacation and vacation trips of the foster child.
The foster care allowance also includes an entitlement to reimbursement of proven expenses for contributions to accident insurance as well as half of the proven expenses for appropriate pension provision for the foster carer. These are reimbursed monthly in a lump sum. Their assumption is determined in a written notification. Foster parents should always speak to their local youth welfare office before concluding a corresponding insurance contract.
Child benefit for foster children is offset against the current benefits in accordance with the statutory provisions.
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Placement of children in suitable foster families
If a family is unable to care for, raise and support their child themselves, the Youth Welfare Office can place a child in a suitable foster family, either temporarily or permanently. The placement is carried out by the specialist service for full-time care (foster children service).
The forms of care are
- Full-time foster families, where the children's center of life is the foster family. Depending on need, help is provided on a case-by-case basis as temporary help until a possible return to the family of origin or as help until the child becomes independent.
- On-call foster families, which ensure the short-term and temporary admission of young people in crisis situations (§ 42 SGB VIII Inobhutnahme). They offer protection and care until the return to the parental home can be prepared in a clarification phase or, if necessary, longer-term help can be initiated.
Action is always taken in close cooperation with the parents (or relatives) of the children.
Access to the services offered by the specialist full-time care/foster care service is always via the general social services department.
The child or young person lives as a foster child in a foster family on the basis of a decision by the Youth Welfare Office.
Once you have taken the child into your family, you will receive a monthly lump sum care allowance from the Youth Welfare Office.
An application is not necessary.
Maintenance payments are made for as long as the child is in full-time care.
The Landesverband der Pflege- und Adoptivfamilien in Bayern e.V. is an association of foster carers. It advises and supports them in all matters.
General social services
Here you will find advice, support and guidance for educational problems and family crises. Children and young people can turn to us if they have worries or are in emergency situations.
Possible help: Educational support, integration support (e.g. also dyslexia and dyscalculia therapy, school support), crisis support.
You can also find advice in crises and emergencies outside of the General Social Service's office hours:
The contact person depends on the street in Erlangen. Contact: Tel. + (49) 09131 / 86 - 2145
Specialist service for full-time care - foster child service
The specialist service for full-time care or foster children places foster children in suitable foster families, advises and accompanies the foster family and supports contacts between the foster family and the family of origin.