Youth social work; information
Under certain conditions, youth social work offers socio-educational support to children and young people who, for various reasons, are in need of increased support.
Stand: 13.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
To compensate for social disadvantages or to overcome individual impairments, young people are offered socio-educational support that promotes their education and vocational training, their integration into the world of work and their social integration. Youth social work includes youth social work at schools (JaS) and youth social work related to the world of work (AJS).
If the training of young people is not ensured by measures and programmes of other institutions and/or organizations, suitable socio-educationally supported training and employment measures can be offered that take into account the respective abilities and level of development. With the AJS, the Free State of Bavaria takes care of young people who have particular difficulties in finding their place in the world of work. The AJS offers a high-quality range of successful qualification and training projects for vocational and social integration in a realistic company setting, particularly in youth workshops.
In addition to the services offered by the AJS, many schools also offer JaS, which provides socially disadvantaged and individually impaired young people with individual support to help them integrate into society, succeed at school and make the transition into the world of work.
It is true that youth social work is a municipal task. Nevertheless, the Free State of Bavaria has been supporting the local youth welfare authorities (districts and independent cities) for a long time and to a considerable extent with the two funding programs JaS and AJS, which focus exclusively on the target group of socially disadvantaged or individually impaired young people.
If you are experiencing difficulties with your education or vocational training, integration into the world of work or social integration, you can contact your local youth welfare office. Even if you are already of legal age, they can provide you with possible offers that may be suitable for you.
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Youth social work is offered by the City Youth Welfare Office in five youth centers and two adventure playgrounds.
Open youth social work at the Gowi27 family support center
Youth center West
Mobile youth social work in Büchenbach
Taubenschlag adventure playground
Open youth social work @one in Junkersstraße
Blackbox youth center
Adventure playground at the Brucker Lache
Open youth social work Anger 32
- They are socially disadvantaged or individually impaired or
- They need help to integrate into society, succeed at school and make the transition to the world of work, or
- They have particular difficulties finding their place in the world of work.
Department of Youth Social Work and Youth Work
This includes
- Open youth social work
- Adventure playgrounds
- Youth social work at elementary school
- Youth social work for young people
Further information: