Waste producer number; application
Commercial waste producers who generate more than two tons of hazardous waste per year require a waste producer number.
Stand: 26.02.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Apply for a waste producer number
You can use this online application to apply for a waste producer number online.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your Internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
The disposal of hazardous waste is subject to verification requirements. If commercial businesses, contractors or building owners have to dispose of more than 2 tons of hazardous waste per year, they require a waste producer number.
The waste producer number is a nine-digit identification number that a waste producer or waste owner needs in order to be able to participate in the electronic waste records procedure (eANV) when disposing of their hazardous waste. It identifies the location where the waste is generated or accumulates. Among other things, it is necessary in order to be able to prove that hazardous waste has been disposed of properly and in an environmentally friendly manner.
A separate waste producer number is also required for entry in the so-called takeover certificate if the waste in question is collected and disposed of by a collector by means of a collective disposal certificate (maximum 20 tons per calendar year, place of generation and waste code).
If you have several company locations where hazardous waste is generated, you must apply for a separate waste producer number for each location.
In the event of a relocation, the previous generator number becomes invalid. Please apply for a new waste producer number for the new location. In the event of a change of name, the previous producer number remains valid if it is purely a change of name or form without a change in legal identity.
This regulation does not apply to private households.
Regional Supplement (Editorial responsibility: City of Erlangen)
Apply for the waste producer number easily using our online form.
- commercial activity
- Disposal of more than 2 tons of hazardous waste per year
You must apply for the waste producer number from the authority responsible for the place where the waste is generated.
A separate waste producer number must be applied for each waste generation site. This is particularly important for construction sites.
- none