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Notes and completion options for our municipal online services

We are pleased that you are using the new eForms service and completing an online application.

You have three options for sending us your application:

  1. Fill out directly online: Simply complete the form directly online, without BayernID, and send it to us using the send button in the final completion step. For longer applications, you can use the save button to save your previous entries and upload your completed interim status at a later date using the upload icon.
  2. BayernID: The citizen account(BayernID) is the central access point to online administrative services. If you register once, you can use the citizen account for all online services of all authorities. The form is automatically filled in with the data from the citizen account. "Digital signature" only applies to the BayernID with ID card or electronic residence permit and with Authega software certificate.
  3. By post: You can download any application as a PDF to your PC via the download button, print it out and fill it in. You can then send us your application by post to the address provided. Please note that we do not cover any postage or printing costs.

Information on the Bayernportal, BayernID and digital mailbox

The Bayernportal is published by the "Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs". The aim of the Bayernportal is to simplify communication between authorities and citizens and to make the services of all municipalities in Bavaria available on a central portal.

The Bayernportal offers citizens the opportunity to work with the BayernID and the citizen account.

What is the BayernID?

BayernID is your standardized access to all online administrative procedures. In addition to the digital identity, this account also includes a mailbox in which you receive messages about your applications, e.g. sending messages, notification of processing status and digital notifications.

With your personal BayernID, you can save yourself a trip to the authorities in many cases. Once you have entered your personal data, you do not have to enter it again each time you use an online administrative procedure; it can be securely transferred directly from your BayernID.

Registration for BayernID is free of charge.

If you have any questions about BayernID, for example if you have problems registering or logging in

Link to FAQ BayernID and BayernPortal

What is the citizen account & digital mailbox?

The mailbox is part of the BayernID. Registering for a BayernID gives you access to your personal mailbox. You can use the mailbox to securely receive messages from public authorities when using online services. Data transmission is encrypted. You will be notified by e-mail when a new message arrives in your mailbox.

Online appointment booking

online appointment booking, Online service, OZG, Online Access Act, Digitization, digital, Smart City, Arrange appointments, Online appointment, online procedure, Web form, eForm, Secure communication

Arrange appointments

The city administration, including the citizens' office on the first floor (ID cards, registration/re-registration, driving license matters, vehicle registration) will be closed to the public from 12:00 noon on Shrove Tuesday, 4 March. On Wednesday, March 5, the offices will be open again as usual. The City Museum will not be open on Shrove Tuesday and the City Library will only be open until 12:00 noon.

Further information

Page, Data protection, personal data, Data protection officer

Privacy policy

For the website

OpenData & Digital
Page, E-communication, Electronic communication, e-mail, secure communication, Security, email, mail

Notes on electronic communication

Information on electronic communication with the city administration of Erlangen, access opening and security certificate for download.

legal office
Page, Data protection, Data protection information, Data, personal data, GDPR, EU General Data Protection Regulation, Basic Regulation, Art. 13 and 14 GDPR, EU General Data Protection Regulation, Data economy

Data protection information of the city

Here you will find all information on data protection in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the City of Erlangen.

Page, Accessibility, Declaration of accessibility, barrier-free

Declaration of accessibility

For the website