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City center project

All projects in the city center

Shape Erlangen

City center development Erlangen

Inner-city development aims to enhance the area by promoting construction measures for public buildings, redesigning streets, squares and other public areas and supporting private initiatives for building renovations.
Shape Erlangen

Conversion of the Frankenhof into a cultural and educational campus (KuBiC)

Erlangen is getting a new cultural center, the Kultur- und Bildungscampus Frankenhof (KuBiC). The music school, the adult education center, the youth art school, the German-French Institute with a day care center, a guest house, a bistro, event halls and club rooms will all find a home here in the future.
Shape Erlangen

Creating a place of remembrance for the victims of euthanasia

Together with various project partners, a place of remembrance and future is to be established on the site of the former Erlangen sanatorium and nursing home (HuPfla).
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Development of the "Siemens Mitte" district

On the former Siemens site in Erlangen-Mitte, a new, lively inner-city district is being created on Werner-von-Siemens-Straße. This is intended to combine living, working, supply and leisure and create sustainable added value for the people of Erlangen.
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Friedrich Rückert elementary school: extension for all-day care

Due to the increasing number of pupils and to ensure the legal entitlement to all-day care, the Friedrich Rückert elementary school is being extended with a new building.
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From the large parking lot to the Regnitzstadt

With "Regnitzstadt", Erlangen is to have a new district on the former large parking lot. At the same time, the district is to become a striking entrance to the city and be strengthened as a mobility hub.
Shape Erlangen

Humanities Center "Axis of Science"

In the coming years, the "Axis of Science" will be built in Erlangen's city center on Fahrstrasse and Sieboldstrasse between the Kollegienhaus and the "Raspberry Palace". Various new educational facilities, housing and commercial space will be created.
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Marie-Therese-Gymnasium: General refurbishment

The school building of the Marie Therese Grammar School, with its various parts dating back to different periods of construction, is being extensively renovated and converted so that modern teaching is still possible.
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Parking space concept for Erlangen city center

A parking concept is being developed for Erlangen's city center together with affected stakeholders. The concept will then be tested as part of a pilot project. The aim is to reduce sidewalk parking, set up loading zones and develop new parking regulations.
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Planning redesign of Zollhausplatz

Zollhausplatz, a much-used transfer point, is to be extensively redesigned and become a "climate square". At the same time, an attractive entrance to the city center will be created.
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Renovation and expansion of the city museum

The city museum in the heart of the old town presents the history of the Erlangen region from early times to the modern university city. Following the completion of KuBiC, the city council has decided to focus on expanding the city museum.
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West exit Bergkirchweihgelände

Further safety measures are necessary to ensure that visitors can enjoy Erlangen's "fifth season" safely and carefree. This includes upgrading and expanding the west exit of the Bergkirchweih grounds as an escape route for the fire department and also as an escape route.
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ZAM in the Greiner

The ZAM - Center for Exchange and Making - is being expanded and converted by many committed helpers and the operating association ZAM e. V. into a new place for making things together in the city center.

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Office for Citizen Participation and Volunteering


Hauptstraße 48
91054 Erlangen


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