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Pilot project parking space concept Bohlenplatz

Stand: 15.08.2024

The city of Erlangen is planning to restructure the parking facilities at Bohlenplatz with a pilot project.


The impetus for the pilot project is provided by the Traffic Development and Mobility Plan 2030 (VEP) and the parking space concept based on it.(Link to the Traffic Development and Mobility Plan 2030 (VEP 2030) | City of Erlangen)

As part of this parking space concept, which was commissioned in 2020 and deals with measures for the climate-friendly handling of stationary traffic, it was determined that the forms of parking space management in the city center should be adapted. This includes the integration of loading zones in the city center. Long-term parking should be prevented in the city center and instead shifted to parking garages or parking lots. Another challenge is that the width of the sidewalks in many streets in the city center does not meet accessibility requirements. In order to create the necessary space on sidewalks with regard to accessibility, parking may have to be restructured.

Public participation

By implementing a pilot project, the measures will initially be tested for a certain period of time, taking into account the intensive participation of citizens and interest groups. If necessary, the concept can be adapted in a second step. Two working groups were held on 10.04.2024 and 14.05.2024 with representatives of the interest groups from the project area. The working group meetings were attended by participants from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, retail association, district craftsmen's association, student representatives, local residents, restaurants, district advisory council, VCD, inclusion officer and municipal administration. At the first meeting, information was provided about the pilot project and initial suggestions for a new parking concept were gathered. At the second meeting, specific individual implementation scenarios were discussed.

As a further participation format, an online survey on the pilot project ran until 02.06.2024. All interested parties were able to take part. The survey was advertised via social media, the Erlanger Nachrichten newspaper, posters in the project area and by letter to residents. A total of 444 people took part in the survey. The results of the online survey can be found in the following PDF file (PDF file - Poster Online Participation). The results of the working group and the online survey were used by the consultants engaged for the pilot project to produce three concept variants.

In a further participation step, the inventory and the three variants for a reorganization of the parking space distribution in the Bohlenplatz study area were presented as part of a large public participation event on 12.06.2024 at Kreuz+Quer on Bohlenplatz. The event ran from 4 pm to 7 pm. During this time, around 120 residents, tradespeople and interested citizens took the opportunity to discuss the various options at three market stalls. For the most part, participants gave the event good feedback and responded positively to the opportunity to participate.


The results of the online survey can be found here (PDF file - poster online survey)

Below are the overarching measures and three concept variants that were presented at the major public participation event

(PDF file - Overarching measures)

(PDF file - Poster variants)

The concept variants were discussed intensively at the three stands. There were various comments from the participants, which were taken on board by the experts. Some of the key findings are summarized below:

  • Variants 1 and 3 emerged as the variants with the most support
  • Limiting parking time to one hour for paid parking spaces was considered too little. One and a half to two hours are required.
  • Delivery zones were seen as positive in principle. The locations of the delivery zones will be reviewed again.
  • The Henkestrasse multi-storey parking lot is not an adequate alternative for parking, mainly for reasons of high price and fear of the area/cleanliness.

Next steps

In the next step, the expert office "stadtraum" will draw up a final concept based on the comments received in the public participation phase, which will be implemented as a pilot project. In order to maintain the positive mood from the large-scale public participation and the constructive work in the working group, the city administration has come to the conclusion that the final concept should be presented at a further public event. The event will take place in October this year. At this event, all interested parties who have been involved in the concept development in the participation formats will be informed transparently about the finished concept and any final comments can be incorporated. Although this will postpone the planned start of the pilot project from the beginning of October 2024 to spring 2025, open and seamless communication is considered essential for the success of the pilot project, meaning that the administration is willing to accept the additional time required.

Further information


Transport development and mobility plan 2030 (VEP 2030)

The Transport Development and Mobility Plan 2030 (VEP 2030 for short) defines the objectives and strategies in the field of mobility in Erlangen for the next ten to 15 years. The strategies and recommended measures developed are intended to contribute to future-proof mobility and sustainable and environmentally friendly urban development.

Parking lot sign.
Parking lot, Parking garage, Bicycle, Bicycles, park, Bicycle bracket, Bus travel, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, VGN, Erlangen municipal utilities, ESTW, Tickets, Means of transportation, Mobility, Public transportation, Car, Bus, Railroad

Parking in Erlangen

In public parking lots in the city centre, charges will be one euro for the first half hour from March. For each additional hour, the charge will be 2.60 euros per hour. The fee for the large parking lot is 1.50 euros per hour.

pdf, 1 MB

Poster online survey

Here you can find the results of the online survey.
pdf, 86 KB

Poster overarching measures

Here you will find the overarching measures presented.
pdf, 2 MB


Here you will find the three concept variants presented.

Mobility Planning Department


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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