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Burial and cemetery statutes

Stand: 28.05.2024

Funeral and Cemetery Statutes of the City of Erlangen dated 26.07.2018 in the version dated 28.10.2021

§ 1 Scope and enforcement
§ 2 Public facilities and right of use
§ 3 Closure and deconsecration of cemeteries
§ 4 Burial districts
§ 5 Opening hours
§ 6 Conduct in the cemeteries
§ 7 Commercial activities in the cemeteries
§ 8 Burial obligation
§ 9 Environmental compatibility
§ 10 Digging the graves
§ 11 Period of rest
§ 12 Excavations
§ 13 Gravesites in general
§ 14 Family gravesites
§ 15 Children's gravesites
§ Section 16 Individual gravesites
§ Section 16a Islamic gravesites
§ 17 Urn burial sites
§ Section 18 Content of the right of use
§ Section 19 Acquisition, renewal, extension of rights of use and waiver of rights of use
§ Section 20 Transfer of the right of use
§ Section 21 Premature termination of the right of use
§ Section 22 General design principles
§ Section 23 Approval of grave facilities
§ Section 23a Prohibition of gravestones from exploitative child labor
§ 24 Delivery
§ 25 Laying foundations and fixing gravestones
§ 26 Care of the gravesites
§ 27 Planting
§ 28 Maintenance of the gravesites
§ 29 Neglect of gravesites
§ 30 Removal of gravesites
§ 31 Liability
§ 32 Fees
§ 33 Administrative offenses
§ 34 Entry into force

Appendix 1 to § 22
§ 1 Scope of application
§ 2 General design principle
§ 3 No gravestone obligation
§ 4 Gravestones
§ 5 Standing gravestones
§ 6 Horizontal gravestones
§ 7 Inscription plates and partial covers
§ 8 Standing borders
§ 9 Grave boundary slabs
§ 10 Deviations

You can find the fee statutes for the burial and cemetery statutes of the City of Erlangen here: Cemetery fee statutes
The Ordinance on Mortuary Services can be found here: Mortuary ordinance

If you have any questions, please contact the registry office and cemetery administration.

pdf, 277 KB

Burial and cemetery statutes

Bestattungs- und Friedhofssatzung der Stadt Erlangen vom 26.07.2018 i. d. F. vom 28.10.2021

Legal office

Head of office: Ms. Juliane Kreller

Important information from the legal department

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Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


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Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 08:30 - 15:30

Friday: 08:30 - 12:00