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Mortuary services

Stand: 28.05.2024

Ordinance on mortuary affairs dated 30.11.2015 in the version dated 22.09.2021

§ 1 Definitions
§ 2 Notification and registration of a death
§ 3 Disposal of the body
§ 4 Laying out in the mortuary
§ 5 Undertakers and morticians
§ 6 Monitoring by the authorities
§ 7 Administrative offenses
§ 8 Other regulations
§ 9 Entry into force and period of validity

The Funeral and Cemetery Statutes of the City of Erlangen can be found here: Funeral and cemetery statutes
You can find the fee statutes for the burial and cemetery statutes of the City of Erlangen here: Cemetery fee statutes

If you have any questions, please contact the registry office and cemetery administration.

pdf, 153 KB

Mortuary services

Verordnung über das Leichenwesen vom 30.11.2015 i. d. F. vom 22.09.2021

Legal office

Head of office: Ms. Juliane Kreller

Important information from the legal department

Personnel form for legal trainees and law students


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


Appointments on site are only possible by telephone appointment.

Telephone availability:

Monday to Thursday: 08:30 - 15:30

Friday: 08:30 - 12:00