Construction; notification of removal
You may only remove certain structures if you give prior notification of the intended removal. The removal of a structure must be notified if it is not exempt from the procedure.
Stand: 03.01.2025. Link zum BayernPortal
Online procedure
Show elimination online
You can use this online application to report a removal.
Citizen-friendly and digital: simply complete this online application directly via your internet browser. In many cases, this will save you a trip to the authorities.
The notification of removal is not an application. You only need to inform the responsible authorities of the impending removal.
Only the complete removal of an installation must be notified. The partial removal of an installation is a change to an installation and may require planning permission.
The notification of removal is intended to give the lower building supervisory authority and the local authority sufficient time to check whether any measures need to be ordered before removal. If necessary, a qualified structural engineer must supervise the removal.
Consequences of non-notification
If you deliberately or negligently fail to report the removal of the installation one month prior to removal, you are committing an administrative offense. You can be fined up to EUR 500,000 for this.
You only have to report the removal of an installation if there is an obligation to do so.
There is no such obligation for installations whose erection is exempt from procedure. There is also no obligation for free-standing buildings in building classes 1 and 3 or for other installations that are not buildings with a maximum height of 10 m.
Written submission
- Submit the completed "Notification of removal" form in writing to the responsible municipality and the responsible building supervisory authority (district offices, independent cities, large district towns and certain larger municipalities).
- Verbal notification is not sufficient.
- You will not receive confirmation of receipt.
- The local authority will then check whether it wishes to take steps under planning law to prevent the removal. The lower building supervisory authority will check whether it needs to take steps under building regulations.
Digital submission
Digital submission of the notification of removal is not yet possible throughout Bavaria. When a location is selected, the link to the online procedure is displayed if it is already offered.
- The disposal can be reported digitally using the online assistant. The prescribed "Notification of disposal" form is replaced by the queries in the online assistant. Signatures are replaced by authentication using the "BayernID" user account or "My company account".
- The attachments are uploaded to the online assistant in electronic form (files in PDF format). The notification is first sent to the lower building supervisory authority, which forwards it immediately to the responsible municipality.
In addition to the removal notification, you must notify the building supervisory authority of the start of the removal work one week before the start of the removal work using the form or the online construction start notification assistant. Please note that in some cases a qualified structural engineer must supervise the removal.
You may only remove monuments if you have obtained a corresponding permit under monument protection law. You must apply for this (independently of the notification of removal) at the responsible lower monument protection authority.
- Proof of stability
If you wish to remove a non-detached building, a qualified structural engineer must assess and provide evidence to the required extent that the building or buildings to which the building to be removed is attached are stable during and after removal. This does not apply if the building to be removed is attached to a building that is not subject to a procedure.
Art. 57 Bavarian Building Regulations (BayBO)
Building supervision
Appointments by individual arrangement only.