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Pedestrian traffic concept

Stand: 26.02.2025

A pedestrian traffic concept is being drawn up for Erlangen to make walking safer and more attractive.

As part of the Transport Development and Mobility Plan (VEP) 2030, the city of Erlangen has identified walking as an important factor in the climate and transport transition. On July 25, 2023, the Environment, Transport and Planning Committee decided to commission a city-wide pedestrian traffic concept. The aim is to increase the safety and attractiveness of walking throughout the city - both in the city center and in all districts of Erlangen. As a first step, the planning basis for this is being developed by the commissioned planning offices "LK Argus" and "Mobilitätslösung".

The pedestrian traffic concept is being drawn up with the intensive involvement of the administration, politicians, local experts and the population.

Fußgänger in Erlangen

Further information

pdf, 5 MB

Documentation of the kick-off event for pedestrian traffic 05.11.2024

Documentation on the kick-off event for pedestrian traffic on 05.11.2024
public relations_work_against_wrong_parkers_distribution_of_reminder_cards
Sidewalk, Cycle path, Parking, park incorrectly, Parking, Consideration

Public relations work against parking offenders - reminder cards

Road safety, Way to school, Schoolchild, Car-free mobility, Traffic behavior

Pick-up and drop-off zones at Erlangen elementary school

The aim of the pick-up and drop-off zones, which are gradually being introduced at Erlangen schools, is to prevent stopping and parking directly in front of the school and thus increase road safety.

Woman sits in a wheelchair.
Topic page

Barrier-free Erlangen

Inclusion only works if people with disabilities are able to participate in everyday life in our city. Accessibility is a prerequisite for this. Here you can find out what is accessible in Erlangen and how you can achieve accessibility.


Transport development and mobility plan 2030 (VEP 2030)

The Transport Development and Mobility Plan 2030 (VEP 2030 for short) defines the objectives and strategies in the field of mobility in Erlangen for the next ten to 15 years. The strategies and recommended measures developed are intended to contribute to future-proof mobility and sustainable and environmentally friendly urban development.

Page, Car, MOTOR VEHICLE, E-mobility, Pedestrian, Cyclist, Bicycle, Bus, Railroad, SBahn, S-Bahn, Public transport, Station, E-scooter, Escooter, E-scooter, eauto, E-car, Electric vehicle, Electric car, E Car, Footpath, park, Streetcar, Traffic light, Infrastructure, VGN, Local traffic, Public transportation, Erlangen municipal utilities, Electromobility, 365-euro ticket, Parking, Parking lots, Parking lot, Parking garages, Parking garage, DB, German Railways, Bus lines, Mobile point, Stops, Car sharing, Train travel, Line network, Local public transport, PUBLIC TRANSPORT


On this page you will find an overview of all the important information about mobility and infrastructure in Erlangen.

Page, Wheel, E-bike, Cargo bike, Cycling, Wheels, drive, Mobility, Cycle paths, Bicycle, Cycling, Cycling


All information for cyclists and cyclists in Erlangen: Where can I park my bike? How can I apply for a grant for my cargo bike? Where are there cycle lanes?


Free public transport in the city center

Change for free! Free travel on the buses in Erlangen city center. Travel comfortably and quickly in Erlangen city center without looking for a parking space. Since January 1, 2024, it's been "free travel" on all bus routes within the free Erlangen city center area.

Mobility Planning Department


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


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