Plan assumption

This is where all incoming applications are received, recorded and checked for completeness. Building applications that have significant deficiencies and therefore cannot be processed are returned to the applicant.


Gebbertstraße 1
91052 Erlangen


jetzt geschlossen
Montag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Dienstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Mittwoch: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag: 09:30 - 12:00 Uhr

In addition, individual appointments can be arranged on site outside regular opening hours. Get in touch with us by phone, e-mail or contact form.

Es wurden 19 Serviceleistungen gefunden

Service, Completion certificate, Building application Bavaria, Building, Building permit, Building permit Bavaria, Building permit procedure, Building projects requiring planning permission, apply for, New building

Building permit procedure; information on the processing status

If you have applied for a building permit, you can find out about the processing status online.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Application for new construction, Building acceptance, Building inspection Bavaria, Building application, building application bavaria, Building consultancy, Apply to build, Building permit, Building permit, Building control, Building law, apply for, apply for a new building, Flying buildings

Building project; application for a building permit

You generally need a building permit to erect, modify or change the use of a facility. Only in exceptional cases is planning permission not required.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Sectional building permit, Building supervision, Relief, Approval procedure, Partial test

Building project; application for a partial building permit

You can apply for a partial building permit if you have submitted a building application but have not yet received a building permit. This allows you to obtain permits for individual construction phases in advance.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Application for preliminary decision, Building permit procedure, Preliminary building permit, Building project, Building permit, legally binding, Liability, Pre-approval application, Pre-approval, Build, construction project

Building project; application for a preliminary permit

You can have certain questions regarding the permissibility of your project clarified by means of a preliminary decision before submitting a building application. This has a binding effect on the subsequent planning permission procedure.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Build, Construction project

Building project; application for an isolated deviation from local building regulations

If your procedure-free project conflicts with a local building regulation, you can apply for a deviation.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Building project; application for an isolated deviation from other building regulations

If your project, which does not require a procedure or approval, contradicts other building regulations, you can apply for a deviation.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Building project; application for an isolated exception to the development plan

If your non-procedural project corresponds to an exception stipulated in a development plan, you can apply for an exception.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Building project; application for an isolated exemption from the development plan

If your non-procedural project conflicts with the provisions of a development plan, you can apply for an exemption under certain conditions.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Building project; application for extension of a building permit or preliminary decision

You can have your building permit, partial building permit or preliminary decision extended if necessary.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Start of use, Start of use notification

Building project; notification of commencement of use

You must give prior notification of the commencement of use of a building structure. This does not apply to projects that do not require a procedure.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Exemption, Exemption procedure, Permit exemption procedure

Building project; submission of documents for exemption from approval

You generally need a building permit to erect, modify or change the use of a facility. Under certain conditions, your building project may be exempt from the obligation to obtain planning permission.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Building projects; online submission of the criteria catalog

If you have submitted the building application or the notification of the start of construction online, the declaration of compliance with the catalog of criteria can be submitted directly online by the structural engineer.

Service, Building without a permit, Freedom from approval

Construction project without procedure; information

Certain (smaller) building projects can be erected without planning permission.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Start of construction, Start of construction notification, Start of construction, Build, Construction project, Building site

Construction project; notification of the start of construction

You must notify the start of construction in advance. This applies to the start of execution of projects requiring approval and the resumption of construction work after an interruption of more than 6 months.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Section excavation permit

Excavation; application for a partial excavation permit

You can apply for a partial excavation permit if you have submitted an excavation application but have not yet received an excavation permit. This allows you to obtain a permit for individual parts of the project in advance.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Pre-approval

Excavation; application for a preliminary decision

You can have certain questions regarding the permissibility of your project clarified by a preliminary decision before applying for an excavation permit. This is binding for the subsequent excavation permit procedure.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Excavation application, Excavation permit, Excavation permit, Excavation Act, Excavation law, Gravel extraction, Sand mining

Excavation; application for an excavation permit

You generally require an excavation permit to carry out an excavation. This does not apply to smaller excavations in particular.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Notice of commencement of excavation, Start of excavation

Excavation; notification of the start of excavation

You must notify the start of excavation in advance. This applies to the start of execution of projects requiring approval as well as the continuation of execution after an interruption of more than 6 months.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Exemption, Exemption procedure

Excavation; submission of documents for excavation without a permit

If your excavation project is within the scope of a development plan that contains regulations on the permissibility, location and size of the excavation, it may not require a permit.