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Service: Medicine, care & health

As a medical and university city, the topic of health is of paramount importance in Erlangen. In addition to numerous doctors from various specialties, numerous associations and initiatives take care of the health of the citizens. But the topics of care, nutrition and sport also play an important role. Here you will find a wealth of information, advice and services on the subject of health.

Service A-Z

Service, People at risk of addiction, Addiction treatment, Health, Drugs and addiction, Drug and addiction counseling, Consulting, Drug counseling, Advice center, Drugs, Narcotics, BtM, Addict, Dependence, Abuse, Alcohol, Illegal drugs, Substances, Cannabis, Legal highs, Amphetamine, Meth, Crystal, Cocaine, Coke, Ecstasy, Extasy, MDMA, Heroin, Opiates, Medication, Gambling, PC, Internet, Eating disorders, HaLT, Therapy, Detoxification, Withdrawal, Rehab, Aftercare, Mediation, Substitution, Age and addiction, Relatives, External addiction counseling, Illegal, Criminal offense, Addicted parents, Families affected by addiction, Liver cirrhosis, COPD, Common cold, Drink, Smoking, Syringes, Weed, MPU

Addiction counseling for existing or impending addiction problems; utilization

People at risk of addiction or suffering from addiction and their relatives can obtain information on the subject of addiction as well as advice, support and help from psychosocial addiction counseling centers, the public health department and general practitioners and specialists.
Service, Meat, Slaughter animal

Ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection; implementation

The purpose of ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection is to ensure that only meat that is fit for human consumption is placed on the market.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Asylum seekers; applying for sickness benefits

Asylum seekers receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) in the event of illness if they meet the requirements.


Care court assistance; support for the courts

The guardianship authorities in the district offices and independent cities are involved in proceedings in which the local court has to decide on the appointment of a guardian as a legal representative.

Service, care service

Care; advice for people in need of care and their relatives and dependents

Among other things, district offices, independent cities and districts offer free advice for people in need of care and their relatives.

Service, Retail trade, Restaurants, Damage to health, Wholesale, Production ban, Food monitoring, Food traffic, Foodstuffs, Environmental audit, Consumer protection

Food law; information on administrative offenses and criminal proceedings

Compliance with food law regulations can be achieved by means of mandatory and prohibition orders issued by the food control authorities or by imposing fines and penalties.


Hospital care; safeguarding

The rural districts and independent cities must guarantee hospital care for their citizens.


Outpatient care services; application for municipal funding

District authorities and independent cities can voluntarily support outpatient care services.

Professional supervisor; application for registration

If you would like to work as a professional caregiver, you must register.

School accident insurance; information about cost units

Pupils (possibly also parents' councils, etc.) are covered by statutory accident insurance under the conditions of the German Social Code Book VII (SGB VII). This does not only apply after an accident has occurred, but also includes accident prevention measures, for example.


Social assistance; applying for help to maintain the household

Help with running the household mainly includes looking after children and housework if no one else in the household can take on these tasks.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Promotion of sports activities, Funding for the sports operations of a club, sports promotion

Sports and shooting club; application for funding for sports operations

The Free State of Bavaria supports sports activities in sports and shooting clubs in the form of a club lump sum. Applications for the grants must be submitted to the responsible district administrative authority by March 1 of the funding year at the latest.

Latest news

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School, School-leaving certificate, Education, Quali, Education, Profession

Catch up on (qualifying) secondary school leaving certificate

Find out how you can catch up on the (qualifying) secondary school leaving certificate.

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Teenagers, Education, Parents, Mentor, Godfather, Promotion, Education, Educational offer

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Support during training through mentors

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Education, Educational offer, Education, Promotion, Young people, Parents, Career choice, Consulting, Profession, Cancellation of training

Flexible assisted training (AsA flex)

Support in training

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Education, Educational offer, Young people, School, Education, Vocational preparation, Promotion

Entry qualification (EQ)

Paid long-term internship to prepare for the apprenticeship