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Service portal - Taxes, levies & subsidies

From the expansion of traffic routes and infrastructure, to the construction of playgrounds and city parks, to services for people in need: tax revenue ultimately benefits everyone in Erlangen. Citizens, companies, associations and other organizations can find advice, services and information on the subject of taxes and duties here.

Frequently searched for

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Register dog, Fighting dog tax

Dog tax; registration and deregistration of a dog

The municipalities determine in which cases dogs must be registered and, if necessary, deregistered.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Leaving the church, church tax

Leaving the church; declaration

Resignation from a church, religious community or ideological community must be declared in person for recording at the registry office or must be submitted there in writing in a publicly certified form.

Service, Garbage fees, Waste, collection dates, yellow garbage can, yellow bag, organic waste, green garbage can, blue garbage can, paper waste, paper, waste calendar, waste ABC, residual waste, residual waste garbage can, street cleaning, garbage, dirt, scrap, electrical, debris, residues, recycling, compost, composting, organic waste, waste garbage can, waste, dirt, used clothing container, glass container, used glass, used glass container, recycling container, bulky waste, garden waste collection, garden waste, waste fees, household waste, recyclables, waste paper, electrical waste, waste garbage can, home composting, waste fees

Waste fees; payment

Fees are charged for the disposal of waste. The person liable for the fee is the person who uses the waste disposal facilities of the district or the independent city.

Service A-Z


Atonement attempt; application

You can apply to the municipality for an attempt at atonement.


Building renovation; application for a certificate for tax purposes

For buildings located in Germany in a formally designated redevelopment area or urban development area, increased depreciation can be claimed for the production costs of modernization and maintenance measures.

Service, Funding offers Foundation, Funding database, Startup in Bavaria - Gründerportal Bayern, Guide to self-employment

Business start-ups; advice and support

You can find out about advice and funding opportunities for business founders via the "Gründerland Bayern" portal and, for example, from the district administrative authorities.


Concession fee; payment

The concession fee is levied by municipalities or special-purpose associations for allowing energy and water supply companies to use the lines laid in the traffic area of the respective municipality or special-purpose association.

Culture Prize; information on the award ceremony

Counties and independent cities can award cultural prizes to deserving personalities in cultural life.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, County treasury, SEPA, Bank transfer, Paying agent

District and municipal treasury; information on cash transactions

The district treasury handles the cash transactions of the district, the municipal treasury handles the cash transactions of the municipality.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Register dog, Fighting dog tax

Dog tax; registration and deregistration of a dog

The municipalities determine in which cases dogs must be registered and, if necessary, deregistered.
Service, Donation receipt

Donation receipt; issued by the municipality

Municipalities issue donation receipts for donations in kind and cash donations for charitable or eligible purposes.
Service, Advice on location issues, Commercial space and real estate, Information events, Creation of new jobs, Location development

Economic development; information on municipal funding opportunities

Districts and municipalities can support investment projects by foreign or domestic investors in the region.


Facade prize; award ceremony

Districts and independent cities can award a façade prize for particularly successful new buildings, renovations and conversions.

Fire department badge of honor as an award for length of service; submission of a proposal

Individuals who have been involved with the volunteer fire department or a plant fire department over a long period of time can be honored with a state award - the Fire Brigade Decoration of Honor.

Income-oriented funding (EOF)

The income-oriented subsidy (= EOF) is an additional subsidy that is granted to tenants of an EOF-subsidized apartment upon application.

Latest news

young people sit at the table with pen and pad
Teenagers, Education, Parents, Mentor, Godfather, Promotion, Education, Educational offer

IHK trainee coaching - trainees for trainees

Support during training through mentors

Young man helps teenager to learn
Education, Educational offer, Education, Promotion, Young people, Parents, Career choice, Consulting, Profession, Cancellation of training

Flexible assisted training (AsA flex)

Support in training

two young people working with different materials
Education, Educational offer, Young people, School, Education, Vocational preparation, Promotion

Entry qualification (EQ)

Paid long-term internship to prepare for the apprenticeship

Three young women sitting at the table and learning
Education, Educational offer, Young people, School, Education, Vocational preparation, Application, Parents

Pre-vocational training measure (BVB)

Targeted preparation for vocational training

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

Autobahndeckel A73

Gemeinsam mit dem Freistaat Bayern und der Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, sucht die Stadt Erlangen nach Lösungen, um den Lärmschutz im Stadtgebiet entlang der Bundesautobahn A 73 - zu verbessern.
Shape Erlangen

Bergkirchweihgelände: Sanierung Steinbach Keller und hangstabilisierende Maßnahmen oberhalb des oberen Rettungsweges

Gemäß den Festsetzungen für Volksfeste und Kirchweihen der Stadt Erlangen und den Auflagen für die Erlanger Bergkirchweih müssen u. a. die baulichen Anlagen und die dem Verkehr dienenden Flächen verkehrssicher sein. In den vergangenen Jahren wurde bereits ein Großteil der städtischen Kellerflächen entsprechend saniert.. Hierbei soll auch eine nachhaltige und ganzjährige Nutzung des Geländes mitgedacht werden..
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Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE): Neubau Werkstättentrakt und Sanierung des GewerblichenTrakts

Baumaßnahmen am Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE) sichern einen zukunftsorientierten Unterrichtsort für die gewerblichen Ausbildungsberufe der Berufsschule Erlangen. Hier entsteht ein neuer Werkstättentrakt und eine Mensa für alle Schulen am Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE). Der Klassen- und Verwaltungstrakt wird saniert.
Shape Erlangen

Climate awakening

Erlangen wants to achieve climate neutrality across the entire city as soon as possible. A unique project has been launched to achieve this. With the "Climate Awakening Roadmap", an entire city has been setting out since fall 2022 to make its contribution to curbing global warming.