Erlangen sewage treatment plant. Aerial view

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The drainage company: EBE

Together for clean water in Erlangen!

We, the drainage company of the city of Erlangen (EBE), are a municipal enterprise. We collect and treat wastewater produced in the city area, recycle the resulting sewage sludge and build and maintain the necessary facilities for you, such as the public sewer system and the sewage treatment plant.

The public sewer network in Erlangen is fully digitized. Information on this can be requested during opening hours by calling 09131 / 86-2395 . You will then receive the relevant data by e-mail or post.

Information on connecting private properties to the public drainage system (property connection, sewer tapping) can be found here.

We provide updated information about our services for the environment and the common good in Erlangen in an annual environmental and common good report.

An 8-page brochure produced in 2023 provides information about the Erlangen sewage treatment plant, its facilities and special environmental services.

News from EBE


Wastewater treatment plant: Foundation stone laid for 4th purification stage

The foundation stone for the 4th purification stage was laid on Thursday on the site of the sewage treatment plant - the municipal drainage company - in Bayreuther Strasse.

Apartment empty

Report changes to the floor area

Important information on the construction contributions for the public drainage system

Wet wipe is pulled out of the box.

Dispose of wet wipes

Please dispose of cosmetic wipes and, if possible, moist toilet tissues in the residual waste and not in the toilet.

Water runs in hand.

Save on wastewater charges

Use deductible water quantities: For water that is used on the property and not discharged into the sewer (e.g. garden water), no waste water fee has to be paid.


Storing building materials safely

The removal of blockages causes considerable costs. Contractors and building owners can be held liable.

More news

Sign indicating bird breeding season

Bird breeding season - parade ground

Protection for numerous bird species: From March 1 to July 31, it is not permitted to leave the official paths in the entire nature reserve. Dog owners are also not allowed to let their dogs run free during this time.

climamobile, energy consulting

Klimamobil informs

It is on the move locally. Find out about climate-friendly living and subsidy programs.

A man oils the chain of a bicycle.

CO2-Challenge of the metropolitan region

Saving as much CO2 as possible in a fun way and getting people excited about climate protection. It starts on Ash Wednesday.

31_imsch_Noise action plan

Immission control; noise action plan 2024

Analyze noise problems and eliminate them if possible.

A card with the fair trade offers.

Erlangen Fairtrade Town

The city of Erlangen has long been committed to sustainable and fair trade. It has been recognized as a Fairtrade Town for the fourth time.

Helping to shape Erlangen - plans & projects

Shape Erlangen

Climate awakening

Erlangen wants to achieve climate neutrality across the entire city as soon as possible. A unique project has been launched to achieve this. With the "Climate Awakening Roadmap", an entire city has been setting out since fall 2022 to make its contribution to curbing global warming.
Shape Erlangen

Klärwerk Erlangen - Ausbaukonzept 2030: Spurenstoffelimination (4. Reinigungsstufe)

Die bisherige Abwasserreinigung belässt Spurenstoffe aus Arzneimitteln und Körperpflegeprodukten sowie bestimmte Industrie- und Haushaltschemikalien fast vollständig im behandelten Abwasser. Eine 4. Reinigungsstufe ist notwendig, um das Abwasser entsprechend zu behandeln, bevor es wieder in die Regnitz fließt.

Questions & Answers

Contact us

Drainage company (EBE)

Plant manager: Wolfgang Fuchs


Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 61
91052 Erlangen


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Montag: 08:30 - 12:00 Uhr und 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Dienstag: 08:30 - 12:00 Uhr und 14:00 - 15:30 Uhr
Mittwoch: 08:30 - 12:00 Uhr und 14:00 - 15:30 Uhr
Donnerstag: 08:30 - 12:00 Uhr und 14:00 - 15:30 Uhr
Freitag: 08:30 - 12:00 Uhr

Individual appointments can also be arranged.