Bus drives through Erlangen.
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Service portal - Traffic & Mobility

Erlangen is growing and, along with the size and complexity of a large city, the need for transport and mobility solutions is also growing. Whether charging stations for electric vehicles, public transport offers and services or a safe and extensive network of cycle paths: Thanks to comprehensive services and information, you will quickly find answers to your questions here.

Frequently searched for

Service, Accompanied driving, BF17, drive 17, Driving with an accompanying person, Driving license in Bavaria, Driving license at 17 Bavaria

Driving license; application for accompanied driving from 17

Young novice drivers have the opportunity to drive a category B vehicle at the age of 17 accompanied by an experienced driver's license holder if certain requirements are met.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Exchange old driver's license, EU driver's license, EU card driver's license, Driving license, Driver's license, gray cloth, Card driver's license, pink rags, pink paper driver's license

Driving license; application for exchange

The old paper driving licenses are gradually losing their validity - staggered according to the holder's year of birth. They must therefore be replaced in good time by the current EU standard card driving license.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, reserve license plate, License plate, MOTOR VEHICLE, Car

License plates; applying for and reserving a license plate of your choice

Would you like a specific combination of letters or numbers for your license plate, e.g. your initials, the abbreviation of your company or your date of birth or even the license plates of a previous registration district?
Service, Car registration, Vehicle registration, Registration PkW, Report car, Register vehicle, Vehicle owner, License plate, New vehicle registration, Register motor vehicle, register car, Vehicle registration, car registration, car registration, car registration, New approval, New approval, approval, License plate, License plates, Trolley, License plate, Allow, Authorization, Motor vehicle registration, Car

Motor vehicle; application for new registration

You must register motor vehicles to operate them on public roads. This is done for reasons of road safety and to collect vehicle tax, as well as to be able to identify the owner or driver.
Service, vintage car registration, Classic car registration

Vehicle license plates; applying for a classic car license plate

Historic vehicles are becoming more and more popular. But how do you get your beloved classic cars on the road? How this is done depends on the intended use and the number of vehicles.

Service A-Z

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Animal transport; application for approval as a transport operator

If you want to transport animals, you need a license as a transport company before you start your activities. The application must be submitted to your competent veterinary office.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Animal transport; application for approval of means of road transport

If you wish to use road transport vehicles commercially to transport animals for longer than 8 hours, you need a license for the means of transport from the competent veterinary office.


Armed cash transportation; application for weapons permits

If, as a cash-in-transit company, you want to transport your weapons on a commercial cross-border road transport of euro cash through Germany, you need a firearms permit.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Bicycle traffic; application for municipal funding

Municipalities can promote cycling. For example, they can grant a subsidy for the purchase of a bicycle.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Cab permit; application

You need a cab permit if you want to transport people commercially by cab.

Service, Pitches, Permanent parking spaces

City-owned parking lots, parking garages and parking spaces; rental

The city of Erlangen rents out parking spaces, long-term parking spaces and parking spaces in parking garages.
Service, Action plan, Immission control, Clean air plan, Clean air planning, Air pollutants

Clean air plans; preparation

If immission limit values for air pollutants are exceeded, clean air plans must be drawn up with suitable measures to permanently reduce air pollution.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Commercial road haulage; application for a permit

Anyone who wants to transport goods commercially in Germany with motor vehicles over 3.5 tons needs a permit. For cross-border transport, a so-called community license is required for motor vehicles over 2.5 tons.


County roads; road construction

The administrative districts and independent cities are responsible for road construction on district roads.
Service, medical certificate, Fitness to drive report, Proof of fitness to drive, Idiot test, MPU test, MPU questions, Medical-psychological examination (MPU), MPU

Driver's license; submission of proof of suitability

The driving license authority must check whether you are fit to drive a motor vehicle. In certain cases, it may or must request medical or medical-psychological reports for this purpose.

Service, Driver's license application

Driver's license; submission of the driver's license application to the municipality

You can also submit your driver's license application to your local authority (of residence).
Service, Driving license deadline, Driver's license, Extend your driver's license

Driving license for buses and trucks; application to extend the period of validity

Driving licenses for trucks and buses are only valid for a limited period. You must apply to the local driving license authority to extend the period of validity.

Latest news

Wheel, Cargo bike, Promotion, Bicycle

Promotion of cargo bikes

As in previous years, the city of Erlangen has once again launched a funding program this year.

Train travels through the countryside.

We are building the StUB

As a sustainable and efficient transportation alternative, the Stadt-Umland-Bahn (StUB) will connect the cities of Nuremberg, Erlangen and Herzogenaurach and also the communities east of Erlangen.

Parking lot sign.
Parking lot, Parking garage, Bicycle, Bicycles, park, Bicycle bracket, Bus travel, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, VGN, Erlangen municipal utilities, ESTW, Tickets, Means of transportation, Mobility, Public transportation, Car, Bus, Railroad

Parking in Erlangen

In public parking lots in the city centre, charges will be one euro for the first half hour from March. For each additional hour, the charge will be 2.60 euros per hour. The fee for the large parking lot is 1.50 euros per hour.


"Statistik aktuell" on the StUB decision

The report examines voting behavior on June 9, 2024 as a function of social structure characteristics in the voting districts. It relates this to the results of the 2023 citizens' survey.

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

A73 freeway lid

Together with the Free State of Bavaria and the federal highway company Autobahn GmbH, the city of Erlangen is looking for solutions to improve noise protection in the city area along the A 73 federal highway.
Shape Erlangen

Expansion of mobility services

The city of Erlangen is expanding its mobility options by promoting electromobility and sharing services and linking different forms of mobility.
Shape Erlangen

From the large parking lot to the Regnitzstadt

With "Regnitzstadt", Erlangen is to have a new district on the former large parking lot. At the same time, the district is to become a striking entrance to the city and be strengthened as a mobility hub.
Shape Erlangen

New Kriegenbrunn lock construction

The damage to the Kriegenbrunn lock cannot be completely repaired. The Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV) is therefore planning and building a new lock at the same location using state-of-the-art engineering technology.