Wichtiger Hinweis
Building Supervisory Office - Central Plan Acceptance
Stand: 21.02.2025
This is where all incoming applications are received, recorded and checked for completeness. Building applications that have significant defects and therefore cannot be processed are returned to the applicant. It is no longer possible to submit plans to individual clerks. Only once the documents are complete will they be passed on to the relevant staff. This means that only then is it clear who will process "your" application.
Amendment of the BayBO as of 01.01.25; building projects exempt from procedures
As of 01.01.2025, amendments to the Bavarian Building Code were introduced, including in Article 57, facilitations with regard to procedural exemption for the following projects.
- Loft conversions with the construction of dormers
- Loft conversions without the construction of dormers
- Changes of use (please specify existing use and new use)
- repair work
- Temporary mobile phone installations
These projects must be notified to the building inspectorate in text form 14 days before the start of construction/use.
Please provide the following additional information:
- Building owner, telephone number, email
- Address of the project site, street, house number, parcel, district
Important: This procedural freedom in accordance with Art. 57 BayBO does not release you from the obligation to comply with the requirements imposed on your building project by other public law regulations and does not affect the powers of the building authorities to intervene. (Art. 55 Para. 2 BayBO).
In the case of your building project, you and, within the scope of their sphere of influence, the other parties involved in the construction are solely responsible for ensuring that the public law regulations are complied with (Art. 49 BayBO).
If the project is located in an individual listed building, in the vicinity of an individual listed building or within a listed ensemble, for example, it is mandatory to obtain a permit under monument protection law in accordance with Art. 6 of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act (BayDSchG) before starting work.(denkmalschutz@stadt.erlangen.de)
Please note further:
1. despite procedural freedom, the substantive legal requirements of the Bavarian Building Code must be complied with.
2. corresponding planning documents and evidence, in particular regarding fire protection, stability, compliance with the Building Energy Act (GEG) and, if applicable, the listed building permit must be kept available and presented on request.
3. whether an application for property drainage is necessary must be checked independently of the procedural freedom.(grundstuecksentwaesserung@stadt.erlangen.de)
4 We reserve the right to check compliance with these requirements as part of building inspections.
5. if the required evidence is not submitted, construction work may be suspended or usage may be prohibited.
6 We recommend that you inform your immediate neighbors about the planned construction project in order to avoid possible conflicts at an early stage.
Building application
A legally prescribed form is required for the building application. The Building Submission Ordinance (BauVorlV) regulates the details.
As building regulations and building permit procedures require special expertise, plans and documents for the building application may only be prepared by persons authorized to submit building documents.
Application acceptance in paper form
If possible, please send the building application documents in duplicate by post. It is also possible to post the application documents directly in our letterbox. You will find this directly next to the elevator in the rear courtyard. You can also post the documents in the letterbox at the town hall, Rathausplatz 1.
If you do not wish to hand in your documents in person, please make an appointment in advance by telephone or email.
This will avoid waiting times.
The plan acceptance department will check the submitted building application for completeness using a check sheet.
You can use this to check completeness yourself beforehand.
General information
The Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Building and Transport (Bay. StMB) has introduced binding building application forms that you must use for your building application.
You can find explanations here: Building owner information from the Bay. StMB
Note for subsequent submissions for paper applications
If you are required to submit additional documents, these must also be submitted in duplicate in paper form!
Forms and information
You generally need a building permit to erect, modify or change the use of a facility. Only in exceptional cases is planning permission not required.
You can have certain questions regarding the permissibility of your project clarified by means of a preliminary decision before submitting a building application. This has a binding effect on the subsequent planning permission procedure.
You generally need a building permit to erect, modify or change the use of a facility. Under certain conditions, your building project may be exempt from the obligation to obtain planning permission.
You must give prior notification of the commencement of use of a building structure. This does not apply to projects that do not require a procedure.
You must notify the start of construction in advance. This applies to the start of execution of projects requiring approval and the resumption of construction work after an interruption of more than 6 months.
You can apply for a partial building permit if you have submitted a building application but have not yet received a building permit. This allows you to obtain permits for individual construction phases in advance.
If your non-procedural project corresponds to an exception stipulated in a development plan, you can apply for an exception.
If your non-procedural project conflicts with the provisions of a development plan, you can apply for an exemption under certain conditions.
If your project, which does not require a procedure or approval, contradicts other building regulations, you can apply for a deviation.
If your procedure-free project conflicts with a local building regulation, you can apply for a deviation.
You can have your building permit, partial building permit or preliminary decision extended if necessary.
A separate application for approval of the property drainage system must be submitted in addition to the building construction as part of a building permit procedure or in the approval exemption procedure, particularly for new construction projects and for significant changes to existing drainage systems.
You can apply for a certificate of completion with a subdivision plan.
You can apply for an advertising system.
Grants can be awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments for conservation measures on architectural and archaeological monuments as well as movable monuments.
Dealing with monuments often poses difficult questions for those affected. Advising monument owners is one of the most important tasks of the monument authorities.
The lower monument protection authorities can order by administrative act that owners of monuments carry out certain conservation measures. They can also carry out such measures themselves and impose the costs for this on the owners in full or in part.
If you want to carry out measures on architectural or ground monuments or in the vicinity of such monuments, you will in many cases require permits in accordance with the German Monument Protection Act (DSchG).
Certain (smaller) building projects can be erected without planning permission.
Grants can be applied for from the compensation fund for measures on monuments in accordance with the Bavarian Monument Protection Act.
Building files from ongoing building inspection procedures or completed (archived) procedural files can be viewed by persons authorized to receive information. The city archive is responsible for this.
In municipalities that have issued a misappropriation statute, residential space may only be used for purposes other than residential purposes with official approval. Application.
You generally require an excavation permit to carry out an excavation. This does not apply to smaller excavations in particular.
You must notify the start of excavation in advance. This applies to the start of execution of projects requiring approval as well as the continuation of execution after an interruption of more than 6 months.
If your excavation project is within the scope of a development plan that contains regulations on the permissibility, location and size of the excavation, it may not require a permit.
The new building owner hereby assumes the obligation to fulfill all public law requirements in connection with the aforementioned construction project.
Link: Notification of change of client
You can apply for a partial excavation permit if you have submitted an excavation application but have not yet received an excavation permit. This allows you to obtain a permit for individual parts of the project in advance.
You can have certain questions regarding the permissibility of your project clarified by a preliminary decision before applying for an excavation permit. This is binding for the subsequent excavation permit procedure.
Plan assumption
This is where all incoming applications are received, recorded and checked for completeness. Building applications that have significant deficiencies and therefore cannot be processed are returned to the applicant.
In addition, individual appointments can be arranged on site outside regular opening hours. Get in touch with us by phone, e-mail or contact form.