Man walking with a waving rainbow flag

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The abbreviation LGBTIQ* stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Inter and Queer*".

Gender identities and sexual orientations are diverse. We are committed to ensuring that LGBTIQ* people have the same rights and opportunities to participate. We also want to strengthen the visibility and acceptance of queer identities and lifestyles in urban society.

LGBTIQ* concerns in the city of Erlangen

The LGBTIQ* Issues department supports projects from the queer community such as Christopher Street Day Erlangen. We also regularly exchange information with associations and initiatives in Erlangen and the surrounding area. We are in contact with other city departments in order to expand access to services and benefits offered by the city of Erlangen for LGBTIQ* people.

Are you looking for the right advice service? You can find an overview under "Support & Help".

Action days

International Day of Trans Visibility

The International Day of Visibility (Transgender Day of Visibility) takes place every year on March 31. It is celebrated to highlight the achievements and successes of trans and gender non-conforming people. At the same time, it aims to draw attention to what still needs to change in order to make the lives of trans people equal.
The city of Erlangen is committed to the equal participation and visibility of LGBTIQ* (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, inter and queer) people. That is why the rainbow flag will be flying at the town hall on March 31.

Support & Help


Hands colorfully painted with LGBTQIA*.
Coordination group


Coordination group "SOGI - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity" of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region.

Contact us

Equal Opportunities Office


Rathausplatz 1
91052 Erlangen


jetzt geschlossen
Montag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Dienstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr
Freitag: 09:30 - 15:00 Uhr

Additional individual appointments

Latest news

Young woman holds a book in front of her face.
Education, Parents, Teenagers, Profession, Education, Study, Difficulties in training, Support, Consulting, Promotion

Support during training and studies

Offers for support during training or studies

Teenager sits at the table, two adults sit opposite
School, Application

Application help

Help and support with the transition from school to work, training & studies

2 young women sit opposite each other and talk.
Education, Educational offer, Teenagers, Parents, Mentor, Godfather, School, Promotion, Career choice

Individual support during the school years

Support during the school years on the topics of career orientation and career choice, training or studies


Open youth social work Bruck @ONE

Our services are aimed at young people between the ages of 12 and 27 from the Bruck district. We focus on the needs and interests of young people and provide support in all life situations.

Young woman shows a young man something on the PC
School, Bilidung, Teenagers, Parents, Consulting, Education, Profession

JUST Best - JUGEND STÄRKEN - Bridges to independence

Individual support for young people.

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

"Future elementary school and all-day care" program

By 2026, all-day education and childcare for schoolchildren is to be guaranteed by a legal entitlement. This means that the city of Erlangen is obliged to consider ways of ensuring that youth welfare services and schools can meet this legal entitlement, to take appropriate measures and, in particular, to make elementary school "structurally fit" for this.
Shape Erlangen

A73 freeway lid

Together with the Free State of Bavaria and the federal highway company Autobahn GmbH, the city of Erlangen is looking for solutions to improve noise protection in the city area along the A 73 federal highway.
Shape Erlangen

Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium: Renovation and new construction of the gymnasium

Extensive renovation and new construction work is being carried out in the gymnasium area of the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium. Among other things, a double sports hall suitable for handball is being built.
Shape Erlangen

Allotment garden concept "Gardening in Erlangen"

A concept is being developed for new garden areas in the city of Erlangen. The potentially suitable areas for allotment gardens and other offers are shown and evaluated.
Shape Erlangen

Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE): New workshop wing and refurbishment of the commercial wing

Construction work at the Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE) is ensuring a future-oriented teaching location for the industrial training professions at the vocational school in Erlangen. A new workshop wing is being built here and the industrial wing is being renovated.