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Service portal - Economy, companies & start-ups section

Erlangen is a business city with many small, medium-sized and globally active companies. They need fast and reliable information and support so that they can do business here efficiently. Here, companies can find everything they need for successful business.

Frequently searched for

Service, Funding offers Foundation, Funding database, Startup in Bavaria - Gründerportal Bayern, Guide to self-employment

Business start-ups; advice and support

You can find out about advice and funding opportunities for business founders via the "Gründerland Bayern" portal and, for example, from the district administrative authorities.


Commercial settlement; designation of commercial areas

Cities and municipalities designate industrial estates and create the conditions for companies and businesses to settle here.
Service, Advice on location issues, Commercial space and real estate, Information events, Creation of new jobs, Location development

Economic development; information on municipal funding opportunities

Districts and municipalities can support investment projects by foreign or domestic investors in the region.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Food business operators; notification of establishments for registration

If you, as a food business operator, carry out activities related to the production, processing and distribution of food (including e-commerce), you must register with the competent district administrative authority.

Service A-Z

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Accelerated skilled worker procedure; application

Companies and skilled workers from third countries can shorten the entry procedure using the accelerated skilled worker procedure, provided they have a concrete job offer. Companies require the authorization of the foreign skilled worker to apply.

Service, VHS

Adult education center; enactment of user regulations

Municipalities and administrative districts can issue user regulations or statutes for the adult education center in their area.
Service, VHS

Adult education center; payment of fees

As a rule, there is a charge for attending courses and using the facilities of the Adult Education Center.
Service, Animal by-products - disposal of animal carcasses, disposal of animal carcasses

Animal by-products; application for establishment approval

Companies for the use, storage, treatment and disposal of animal by-products may require an approval with the assignment of an individual approval number, depending on the activity.

Animal by-products; monitoring of disposal

The district administrative authorities are also involved in the monitoring and disposal of animal by-products by monitoring and advising the relevant businesses.
Service, Application for an animal exhibition permit, Animal exhibitions, Animal exhibition permit, animal event, Cattle exhibitions, cattle shows

Animal show, animal exhibition, animal fair; notification or application for a permit

Animal shows, animal exhibitions, animal fairs and other animal events must be reported to or approved by the local district administrative authority.
Service, Animal welfare law

Animal welfare law; application for a certificate of competence or a certificate of proficiency

Competence tests, certificates of competence and certificates of proficiency ensure that the requirements of animal welfare legislation are complied with when keeping, slaughtering and transporting animals.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Authorization of activities requiring a permit in the animal welfare sector, Animal welfare

Animal welfare permit; application

In accordance with Section 11 of the Animal Welfare Act, certain animal husbandry and activities on or with animals require permits that are linked to the reliability and expertise of the operator and to species-appropriate animal husbandry.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Animals and goods of animal origin; monitoring of trade

Monitoring the trade in animals and goods of animal origin is the task of the official veterinarians at the district offices and serves to ensure compliance with animal disease, animal welfare and food law regulations.
Service, Meat, Slaughter animal

Ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection; implementation

The purpose of ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection is to ensure that only meat that is fit for human consumption is placed on the market.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service

Aquaculture operations; application for a permit or registration

If you breed, keep or rear fish, you are obliged to have your business registered or approved by your competent veterinary office without being asked.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Employment agency, AsA, Residence status, Education, Cancellation of training, Training qualification, Assistance during training, Training supervisor, Training aid, Apprenticeship, Training support, Foreigners, Apprentice, Disability, Obtain a vocational qualification, Vocational training, Career counseling, Career choice, Job application training, Educational institution, Entry qualification, Refugee, Promotion, Conflict, Conflict resolution, Learning impairment, Learning difficulties, Mediation, Tutoring, Personal problems, Exam preparation, psychological problems, Language barriers, Language problems, Language difficulties, Language support, Stabilization, Support

Assisted training; application

If you have difficulties in your in-company vocational training or entry-level qualification, you and your training company can receive support so that you can successfully start or complete your training or entry-level qualification.

News from the economy

young people sit at the table with pen and pad
Teenagers, Education, Parents, Mentor, Godfather, Promotion, Education, Educational offer

IHK trainee coaching - trainees for trainees

Support during training through mentors

Young man helps teenager to learn
Education, Educational offer, Education, Promotion, Young people, Parents, Career choice, Consulting, Profession, Cancellation of training

Flexible assisted training (AsA flex)

Support in training

two young people working with different materials
Education, Educational offer, Young people, School, Education, Vocational preparation, Promotion

Entry qualification (EQ)

Paid long-term internship to prepare for the apprenticeship

Three young women sitting at the table and learning
Education, Educational offer, Young people, School, Education, Vocational preparation, Application, Parents

Pre-vocational training measure (BVB)

Targeted preparation for vocational training

Glass fiber
Broadband, Expansion, High-Speed, Glass fiber, Gigabit

Broadband supply in the city of Erlangen

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

Bergkirchweihgelände: Sanierung Steinbach Keller und hangstabilisierende Maßnahmen oberhalb des oberen Rettungsweges

Gemäß den Festsetzungen für Volksfeste und Kirchweihen der Stadt Erlangen und den Auflagen für die Erlanger Bergkirchweih müssen u. a. die baulichen Anlagen und die dem Verkehr dienenden Flächen verkehrssicher sein. In den vergangenen Jahren wurde bereits ein Großteil der städtischen Kellerflächen entsprechend saniert.. Hierbei soll auch eine nachhaltige und ganzjährige Nutzung des Geländes mitgedacht werden..
Shape Erlangen

Erweiterung des Feuerwehrgerätaus Dechsendorf

Das Feuerwehrgerätehaus in Dechsendorf wird erweitert. Damit verbunden ist das Ziel, die Leistungsfähigkeit der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Dechsendorf für die Sicherheit der Bürger*innen und Bürger zu erhalten und zu verbessern.