Wichtiger Hinweis
Planning and building
The aim of the Planning and Building Department is the sustainable development of the city of Erlangen based on the local culture, values and identity of our city. A balance between social, economic and ecological objectives is to be achieved in all large and small construction projects.
The quality of public and private construction in the city of Erlangen should be safeguarded and enhanced in order to do justice to the city's history and contribute to building culture.
Current projects & plans
Ideas competition for sanatoriums and nursing homes
Documentation of the ideas competition for a place of remembrance and future in a sanatorium and nursing home
From the large parking lot to the Regnitzstadt
A new urban quarter in a central location is to be developed on the site of the large parking lot west of the city center: Regnitzstadt.
Frankenhof Culture and Education Campus - KuBiC
Erlangen is getting a new cultural center, the Kultur- und Bildungscampus Frankenhof (KuBiC).
Ideas competition for sanatoriums and nursing homes
Documentation of the ideas competition for a place of remembrance and future in a sanatorium and nursing home
From the large parking lot to the Regnitzstadt
A new urban quarter in a central location is to be developed on the site of the large parking lot west of the city center: Regnitzstadt.
Frankenhof Culture and Education Campus - KuBiC
Erlangen is getting a new cultural center, the Kultur- und Bildungscampus Frankenhof (KuBiC).
Office for Facility Management
Construction measures by the Office for Facility Management
The Office for Facility Management regularly invests large sums in the construction and maintenance of municipal buildings.
Construction measures by the Office for Facility Management
The Office for Facility Management regularly invests large sums in the construction and maintenance of municipal buildings.
Urban land-use planning of the city of Erlangen - current participations
7th cover sheet for development plan no. 181
- Stubenloh-South - Publication of the drafting resolution in accordance with Section 2 (1) sentence 2 of the German Building Code (BauGB) and early public participation in accordance with Section 3 (1) BauGB from 28.02.2025 up to and including 31.03.2025
7th cover sheet for development plan no. 181
- Stubenloh-South - Publication of the drafting resolution in accordance with Section 2 (1) sentence 2 of the German Building Code (BauGB) and early public participation in accordance with Section 3 (1) BauGB from 28.02.2025 up to and including 31.03.2025
Development planning
Binding development plans of the city of Erlangen
Here you will find the legally binding development plans of the city of Erlangen that have come into force by 01.03.2024.
Development plans in process
Here you will find an overview of all development plans that are still in the process.
Binding development plans of the city of Erlangen
Here you will find the legally binding development plans of the city of Erlangen that have come into force by 01.03.2024.
Development plans in process
Here you will find an overview of all development plans that are still in the process.
Land use planning
Effective changes to the land use plan
Here you will find the effective amendments and corrections to the 2003 land use plan with integrated landscape plan
Amendment procedure of the FNP currently in progress
Here you will find an overview of all land use plan amendments that are still in the process.
Effective changes to the land use plan
Here you will find the effective amendments and corrections to the 2003 land use plan with integrated landscape plan
Amendment procedure of the FNP currently in progress
Here you will find an overview of all land use plan amendments that are still in the process.
Urban development
New edition of the commercial building land register in accordance with Section 200 (3) BauGB
The City of Erlangen intends to publish a new edition of the commercial building land register in accordance with Section 200 (3) BauGB as at 31.12.2023.
New edition of the residential building land register in accordance with Section 200 (3) BauGB
The City of Erlangen intends to publish a new edition of the residential building land register in accordance with Section 200 (3) BauGB as at 31.12.2023.
Housing report 2022
It provides a comprehensive overview of the current situation on the housing market. Development trends are highlighted and the city's actions in the various areas of housing policy are presented.
Inner city development 2.0
Erlangen is an attractive residential and business location. This also means that there is a high demand for space for living and working, especially from Erlangen's citizens, which can currently only be met to a very limited extent. For this reason, the city of Erlangen has been making considerable efforts to develop new areas for many years.
Residential building land register according to § 200 (3) BauGB
Status: 12/31/2023 The residential building land register lists buildable areas on a map. The reserve areas for housing are also shown.
Commercial building land register according to § 200 (3) BauGB
Status: 12/31/2023 The commercial building land register lists buildable areas on a map. The reserve areas for commercial use are also shown.
New edition of the commercial building land register in accordance with Section 200 (3) BauGB
The City of Erlangen intends to publish a new edition of the commercial building land register in accordance with Section 200 (3) BauGB as at 31.12.2023.
New edition of the residential building land register in accordance with Section 200 (3) BauGB
The City of Erlangen intends to publish a new edition of the residential building land register in accordance with Section 200 (3) BauGB as at 31.12.2023.
Housing report 2022
It provides a comprehensive overview of the current situation on the housing market. Development trends are highlighted and the city's actions in the various areas of housing policy are presented.
Inner city development 2.0
Erlangen is an attractive residential and business location. This also means that there is a high demand for space for living and working, especially from Erlangen's citizens, which can currently only be met to a very limited extent. For this reason, the city of Erlangen has been making considerable efforts to develop new areas for many years.
Residential building land register according to § 200 (3) BauGB
Status: 12/31/2023 The residential building land register lists buildable areas on a map. The reserve areas for housing are also shown.
Commercial building land register according to § 200 (3) BauGB
Status: 12/31/2023 The commercial building land register lists buildable areas on a map. The reserve areas for commercial use are also shown.
Urban renewal
Zollhausplatz becomes a "climate square"
The redesign of this town square is an important component of the city's measures and projects in light of the climate emergency declared on May 29, 2019.
The neighborhood management consultation hour is taking place again
The district office will be open again from April 25, 2022!
Redesign of the public street spaces in the housing area
After the redesign of GEWOBAU's private open spaces, the public traffic areas must also be adapted and redesigned to enhance the residential environment in the housing area.
Zollhausplatz becomes a "climate square"
The redesign of this town square is an important component of the city's measures and projects in light of the climate emergency declared on May 29, 2019.
The neighborhood management consultation hour is taking place again
The district office will be open again from April 25, 2022!
Redesign of the public street spaces in the housing area
After the redesign of GEWOBAU's private open spaces, the public traffic areas must also be adapted and redesigned to enhance the residential environment in the housing area.
Building area 412: -Häuslinger Wegäcker West-
There are currently no city-owned building plots for sale.
Building cooperatives in building area 412
The "WohnGut-Erlangen" building consortium is still looking for newcomers in the 412 building area.
Commercial properties
The city will support you in your search for a suitable commercial property.
Sale of city-owned building plots
Here you will find the current range of city-owned building plots.
Sale of other city-owned land
Would you like to purchase an area owned by the City of Erlangen? Here you can see who is responsible for your request.
Building area 412: -Häuslinger Wegäcker West-
There are currently no city-owned building plots for sale.
Building cooperatives in building area 412
The "WohnGut-Erlangen" building consortium is still looking for newcomers in the 412 building area.
Commercial properties
The city will support you in your search for a suitable commercial property.
Sale of city-owned building plots
Here you will find the current range of city-owned building plots.
Sale of other city-owned land
Would you like to purchase an area owned by the City of Erlangen? Here you can see who is responsible for your request.
Current projects and plans
Autobahndeckel A73
Bergkirchweihgelände: Sanierung Steinbach Keller und hangstabilisierende Maßnahmen oberhalb des oberen Rettungsweges
Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE): Neubau Werkstättentrakt und Sanierung des GewerblichenTrakts
Autobahndeckel A73
Bergkirchweihgelände: Sanierung Steinbach Keller und hangstabilisierende Maßnahmen oberhalb des oberen Rettungsweges
Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE): Neubau Werkstättentrakt und Sanierung des GewerblichenTrakts
Contact us
Unit VI - Planning and Construction
Head of unit: Harald Lang
In addition, individual appointments can be arranged on site outside regular opening hours. Get in touch with us by phone, e-mail or contact form.