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Service portal - Building & living

In urban agglomerations, building and housing are particularly commonplace issues. Whether housing, commerce, industry or infrastructure: the tasks and services of the City of Erlangen are diverse. It is therefore important that people looking to build, tenants, homeowners and local companies can obtain information quickly and unbureaucratically. Here you will find everything you need to know about regulations for building, renting and owning your own home.

Service A-Z

Service, VHS

Adult education center; enactment of user regulations

Municipalities and administrative districts can issue user regulations or statutes for the adult education center in their area.
Service, Auction, Auctioneering, Auctions, Auction business

Auctioneering trade; application for a license by EU citizens

If you want to auction off third-party movable property, third-party land or third-party rights on a commercial basis, you need a permit.
Service, Auction, Auctioneering, Auctions, Auction business

Auctioneering trade; application for a license by non-EU citizens

If you want to auction off third-party movable property, third-party land or third-party rights on a commercial basis, you need a permit.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Certificate of descent, Registration, Exhibition, Birth certificate, Parents, Delivery, Premature birth, Birth, Birth registration, Birth announcement, Birth certification, Birthday, International birth certificate, international birth certificate, Child, Child registration, Rattling stork, Mother, Young talent, Son, Registry office, Registry office matter, Registry office matters, Daughter, Certificate, Father, birth register, Birth register transcript

Birth certificate; application

If you need proof of your birth, you can apply for a birth certificate under certain conditions.

Service, Registration of the child at the registry office, Register child, Register child, Display birth, display birth, display a birth,, register birth, report birth, Display birth, Display birth, Display birth, Report birth, report birth, Birth registration, Birth announcement, Birth certification, Birth certificate

Birth; Display

The birth of a child must be reported to the registry office in whose jurisdiction the place of birth is located.

Service, Cable TV, Public sewer system, public road network, Telephone network, Water supply network, gas supply network, electricity supply network

Building area; information on development

Development is the responsibility of the municipality unless it is the responsibility of another party in accordance with other statutory provisions or obligations under public law.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Inspection of files, City archive, Archive material, Access to city archives

Building files; request for inspection

Building files from ongoing building supervisory procedures or completed (archived) procedural files can be inspected by persons authorized to receive information.
Service, Provide building land, Provision of building land, Selling building land

Building land; provision by municipality

Municipalities can provide building land for residential and commercial purposes.
Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Community organization, Design statutes, Statutes, Urban design

Building law; enactment of local building regulations

By means of local building regulations, the municipality or city can regulate the design of buildings (e.g. roof shape, materials, etc.), advertising structures and properties (e.g. enclosures, greenery, etc.) in particular.
Service, Completion certificate, Building application Bavaria, Building, Building permit, Building permit Bavaria, Building permit procedure, Building projects requiring planning permission, apply for, New building

Building permit procedure; information on the processing status

If you have applied for a building permit, you can find out about the processing status online.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Application for new construction, Building acceptance, Building inspection Bavaria, Building application, building application bavaria, Building consultancy, Apply to build, Building permit, Building permit, Building control, Building law, apply for, apply for a new building, Flying buildings

Building project; application for a building permit

You generally need a building permit to erect, modify or change the use of a facility. Only in exceptional cases is planning permission not required.

Leistung mit Onlineverfahren
Service, Online service, Sectional building permit, Building supervision, Relief, Approval procedure, Partial test

Building project; application for a partial building permit

You can apply for a partial building permit if you have submitted a building application but have not yet received a building permit. This allows you to obtain permits for individual construction phases in advance.

Latest news

Pedestrians in Erlangen
Sustainability, Mobility, Road safety, Walking

Pedestrian traffic concept

A pedestrian traffic concept is being drawn up for Erlangen to make walking safer and more attractive.


Building Supervisory Office - Central Plan Acceptance

This is where all incoming applications are received, recorded and checked for completeness. Building applications that have significant defects and therefore cannot be processed are returned to the applicant. It is no longer possible to submit plans to individual clerks. Only once the documents are complete will they be passed on to the relevant staff. This means that only then is it clear who will process "your" application.

Closure sign from February 24

Large parking lot: parking lot road closed, demolition begins

The demolition of the dilapidated parking garage at the large parking lot will begin on Monday, February 24. From then on, the parking lot road along the parking garage in the direction of Gerberei will also be closed. However, the large parking lot will remain accessible via Münchener Straße.

Climate awakening, Climate, Environment, Sustainability, Climate resolution, Climate change, Climate target, Climate emergency, Departure, Research, Climate awakening, Climate protection

Climate awakening

With Climate Awakening, Erlangen is on its way to climate neutrality. Find out which measures are to be implemented and what you can do personally here.

Helping to shape Erlangen

Shape Erlangen

Autobahndeckel A73

Gemeinsam mit dem Freistaat Bayern und der Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, sucht die Stadt Erlangen nach Lösungen, um den Lärmschutz im Stadtgebiet entlang der Bundesautobahn A 73 - zu verbessern.
Shape Erlangen

Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE): Neubau Werkstättentrakt und Sanierung des GewerblichenTrakts

Baumaßnahmen am Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE) sichern einen zukunftsorientierten Unterrichtsort für die gewerblichen Ausbildungsberufe der Berufsschule Erlangen. Hier entsteht ein neuer Werkstättentrakt und eine Mensa für alle Schulen am Campus Berufliche Bildung Erlangen (CBBE). Der Klassen- und Verwaltungstrakt wird saniert.
Shape Erlangen

Creating a place of remembrance for the victims of euthanasia

Together with various project partners, a place of remembrance and future is to be established on the site of the former Erlangen sanatorium and nursing home (HuPfla).
Shape Erlangen

District House West (Büchenbach)

The construction of a new district center with a district library in the Büchenbach-West district will create a socio-cultural center and an innovative, versatile, open and creative meeting place in the west of the city.
Shape Erlangen

Eltersdorf: Bürger*innenhaus und Freiwillige Feuerwehr

In Eltersdorf soll ein neues Bürger*innenhaus entstehen. Dieses soll für Vereins- und Freizeitnutzung offenstehen. Außerdem wird dort die Freiwillige Feuerwehr Eltersdorf untergebracht.